Dateline 19/06/2015″ACMA under fire”

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The minister of commications Malcolm Turnbull,has asked for a review of ACMA in one of its bid to trim government spending,

see more here:

Dateline 12/06/2015 “Second reminder”The Rules for the Winter VHF-UHF Field Day – happening over 20-21 June – have been finalised and posted to the VHF-UHF Field Day page on the WIA website here:

The page content has also been updated. Read it all carefully. It’s new, and fresh. 🙂

Two Field Day enthusiasts – Lou VK3ALB and Andrew VK3MIX – have developed a useful online application, dubbed “Contest Radar”, where you can post your location and see other stations’ locations. Gotta be better than heading for the hills with little or no idea who’s gonna be out there and where! 8)

Advertise your location/s on the Contest Radar website here:

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