5.8GHz Transvertor-Low Priced.

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The challenge, find a 5.8GHz solution for Field day events. 2.4/10 GHz had been achieved , with 3.4-5.8GHz to be the Kuhne option of about 585 euro plus delivery (A$1000-1500) delivered with more items to purchase to complete the project with an IF 2/70cm, this seemed a project to far. Some SDR’s HackRF/Pluto and others will receive 2.4/3.4-6 GHz unfortunately the output power on transmit/receive is a bite to lower to be successful. Thanks for the internet, a solution was found . In the US an amateur Paul Wade W1GHz has a range of low cost options for many of the microwave bands which consist of boards between 1296cm to 10GHz costing per band, around A$75.00 posted. These boards were offered as an alterative system for use in the US field day with the rover section in mind. So with the idea fix in the mind, We set off on the quest. First order the boards with a mixer(MBA-5910) offered, a 28 MHz IF was selected, to stay away from the main field day bands of 2m/70cm/6m/13cm. (A 6 metre IF (51mhz) is used for the 2.4GHz transvertor with very little interference, was selected for the same reason). Now a mini kits sequencer EME166 was another good option $45.00 plus the required components for the W1GHz boards including a mini kits EME225 relay mini kits total A$120.00. Local osolator selected is a Demi digilo Wideband PLL synthesizer was choosen for its ease to get 5.8GHz (28mhz IF + 5732 or 144+ 5616) 3 jumpers, an external 10MGz reference if required and your off, A$200 delivered. Another LO/PLL is the NZ PLL is much the same, was out of stock. Some pipe caps and other ancillary items were required A$20 lots of bits came from left overs from past projects/purchases. An 8 volts supply is used to power all except for the power amplifier (ebay 4 watt 5.8GHz FPV amp) A$35.00 and mini kits relay (both 12volt).

A small 220x 170 x 50 plastic box was selected A$4.00 for the ease of construction(will use a weather proof one when fitted to tower). So with a 12volt supply for field day this option fits the bill a tad over A$400. We have decided to continue on with 3.4GHz in the near future

 NEWS Club:Meetings. Carindale Libruary 7-00pm  2nd Tuesday of Month, Next Meeting feb 2025 . Also Every Tuesday 7.00pm with ZOOM.
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