Dateline 4/09/2015 “Web Site Whoo’s”

Yes the SCARC Sunfeast  is on Pencil in the 12th of this month. A Club official said, “We are having some problems with our web site”.” It is being advertising  in AR Mag, (Aug & Sept issue) and on WIA news Broadcast for the past 3 months and on the club news & call backs every Sunday for the past 8 weeks. The event ” Wombye Sunfest ” is still on for September 12th 2015 at the Woombye hall. Doors open at 9am (7am for sellers) Entry is still $5.00 and that includes a ticket in the lucky door prize.

Some of our happy sellers meet them there.

Some of our happy sellers meet them there.

For any extra detail you can contact Warwick VK4NW at secretary

Category: Official

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 NEWS Club:Meetings. Carindale Libruary 7-00pm  2nd Tuesday of Month, Next Meeting 11th march 2025 . Also Every Tuesday 7.00pm with ZOOM.
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