Dateline 21/08/2015″Its here 23-23″

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Planned 23-on-23 Plus…. so time to get agreement on the operating protocols for the activation event.

Given the feedback from the last 23-on-23 Plus, I think it was agreed that we separate the 23cm from the ‘Plus’ operating so that the 23cm only and ‘home’ stations are able to maximise the opportunity to work as many of the /P stations before we QSY and chase Qs up the bands.

As such, the earlier suggested schedule seems to be the best option:
23cm SSB/CW
10:00am (00:00z) – 11:00am (01:00z)

23cm Plus uWave
11:00am (01:00z) – 2pm (04:00z)

Liaison –
147.000 Repeater (if the RDRC would be happy with that)
40m – 7.150MHz (is that still the recommended QRG?)
Mobile/cell phone
VKLogger iChat ’23&Above’

Unfortunately a few of the 23cm & uWave operators in SE VK4 don’t participate in this Forum, as such it would be appreciated if you could share this information to all interested operators.

Category: Official

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