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Dateline 20/08/2015 “Win10 free”

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Windows 10 free update from win 7.

Things that work as they should on Win7
HRD – The last free version
Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Go! USB (FT-857D audio I/O)
G4ZLP interface – FTDI USB chip (Data for 857/817 etc)
Omni Rig

Category: Official

Dateline 20/08/2015 “Forward Thinking”August 23 on 23″

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“A Queensland & NTH NSW Field day excuse”

The August 23-on-23 will fall on a Sunday. That means it’s time we start planning a 23-on-23+Plus! :crazy:

It means that if we hold true to the original intentions for the 23-on-23, being a weekend those who are keen to further explore a new paths potential can make the effort and head for the hills and work others (and the home stations too). It also means that we can also take the time to activate a other uWave bands on the day too. :om3: :om2:

After the last 23-on-23+Plus I received some negative feedback due to the ‘band swapping’ etc. So before we embark on this one we’ll seek opinions on how we optimise the time and maximise the effort and fun. This will probably require us to consider a more structured approach to the day with band slots etc used to to coordinate activation and also ensure that on each band we achieve maximum activation!

If we can aim for a start time of (say) 10AM, we should be able to structure activity on 23cm through to 3cm and beyond and wrap up by mid afternoon to pack-up and start the drive home.

With ‘just’ seven (7) weeks to go, start considering your plans, booking in radio time with family and planning potential portable site

Category: Official

Dateline 17/08/2015″Gems from the Boss”

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Also found this gem.

Category: Official

Dateline 14/08/2015″good watchen”

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Al Presidenti has given us a site or two on Antenna’ s worth a look.

These were shown at our Tuesday Meeting in August 2015, here are the links to the videos that were shown.

Antenna Fundamentals 1 Propagation

Antenna Fundamentals 2 Directivity

Antenna Fundamentals 3 Bandwidth

Is also under…..Tech Tips

Category: Official

Dateline 13/08/2015″1.2 & 2.4 Ghz”

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seem to be alive and well in VK4, so well that  over the pond groups of ZL’s are talking; building beacons, beams and interest to take part. Great to see, VK Logger seems to stimulate the hobby in the interested and enquiring minds, great too see. Hers a quote:

Hi Guys,
Just to let you know that there are currently a number of 23cm stations on the air down in ZL3-4.
Zl4IV 200+w and good ant at about 300′ ASL
ZL4OL getting 150w amp on the air and has 45 element loop
ZL3NW, Ive got an amp for him something around 150W also a loop beam way up high.
And myself
ZL3RC currently building up 4 x 55 element loop beams and have 4 x XRF286 amps going just need to box them up. Mainly looking at EME long term but would love to work 23cm across the pond.

All we need over this side of the island is a good big E’s cloud over the Tasman and we maybe in business, any sort of ducting propagation isn’t going to work with the Southern Alps in the way 😥

Looking forward to a better session than the one just passed if Im not wrong we only had one very short opening where Geoff ZL3PX worked a VK2 on 2m.

Still haven’t heard your 23cm beacon over there, but listen a lot, one day. (Brisbane VHF Group has upgraded the 23cm beacon just recently).


Roger ZL3RC

Category: Official
 NEWS Club:Meetings. Carindale Libruary 7-00pm  2nd Tuesday of Month, Next Meeting feb 2025 . Also Every Tuesday 7.00pm with ZOOM.
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