Dateline 9/02/2025 “Exciting Meeting” Tuesday night will be a meeting no to forget. We have a Dynamic Show & Tell subjects around our hobby, don’t miss this one; see you there.
Dateline 2/02/2025 “Knife Edge on 10GHz” VK4CSD (Stefan) found this item on a USA Blog,between N4OFA/K4LY about a 10GHz FM contact made over 120 miles using “Knife Edge Diffraction.” See more Here:
Dateline 24/02/2025 ” 23 on 23 ” January 23 on 23 was supported in VK4 by local only operators with contacts nth/sth of the Brisbane river, Peter VK4APV/p in fortitude valley (Atop a10 story building) seemed to have charge reporting contact on 23/13cm nth/sth, also VK4 CZ, UV, on 23/13cm with AK, MJF having to be happy on 23cm.
Also on via the Spotter VK4HMD (Martin) in Toowoomba not having any luck, always February 23 on 23. Not forgetting our southern states also reporting lots of activity NSW and VIC. Great nite had by all 73.
Saturday 23rd November – Save the date Spring VHF-UHF Field-day
Software setup Here:
Dateline 8/11/2024 “GPSD-2 Big Hit” As we progress with our Club fund raising efforts and building projects developed for the use mainly within our Hobby. It has been interesting to note the sales of several GPSD-2’s to Commercial users in applications as References in mining, radio broadcasters etc. Congratulations must go out VK4AMG (George) with his passion to develop this popular 10MHz reference, should be noted.
Dateline 6/11/2024 “6GHz fix” We have done it a low priced 5.7GHz 20 watt amplifier from ebay, with mod’s more to follow.
YP5820 |
Iq |
1.4 |
A |
Drive dBm |
Out (W) |
Out dBm |
Relative Out |
Id(A) |
6 |
22 |
43 |
1 |
2.65 |
0 |
19 |
43 |
0 |
2.3 |
-4 |
13 |
41 |
-2 |
1.75 |
-14 |
1 |
31 |
-12 |
1.3 |
Saturates at 20W output with 2 dBm drive. Gain 43dB as specified.
Gain for safe drive from 2W from IC905 (allowing 6dB for connecting cable) 16dBG. Attenuator = 27dBm.
With good cable (3dB) 19dBG. Attenuator = 30dBm.
10dB attenuator inserted after MMIC
Dateline 12/10/2024 “New Stock Arrived” Just in time for the Gold Coast Ham Feast @ Narang Queensland. See you there.
Dateline 6/10/2024 “Project Meshtastic” Peter VK4APV has offered us a paper on this newish mode, call Meshtastic. See under Club Projects.
Dateline 20/09/2024 “Road to ATV” Some may say an IC905 is an expensive investment to Microwave and ATV, well thats another topic, not covered here. Our road to ATV is another matter, for a couple of hundred dollars this can be achieved by small home projects :see here (mini-kits), these projects are very low priced and require so really easy construction.
A further topic will continue over the next few weeks on our site. See Here.
Dateline 29/09/2024 “M A D Washout” It may have been a bad week-end to host a M A D, with a bad weather prediction forecast, with most stations had given the day a miss. Although some diehards were amid the showers etc. VK4 APV,UH,ARP,GU,UV,OE, KLC,AK, MJF,ALF, and FLR were some that gave it a try. Distances and bands used 40klm to 530 kms, 23cm, 9cm, 3cm(10ghz). Although most were Home stations 2-4 hills were activated. The next event will be the Spring UHF/VHF Contest on 23rd December.
Dateline 22/9/2024 “Sorry No Fries” We do have lots of snags and drinks Bunnings Mansfield, see you there. Great prices and a happy Crew.
Dateline 7/09/2024 “IC905 ATV”. Click Here: for a utube topic on ATV reception over about 8Klms, worth a look if you into this mode/Radio.
Dateline 26/08/2024 “Optical Communication and recent Developments”. See you there on 28th August. A Link is provided. See Here:
Dateline 25/08/2024 “A few new Radios” Icom’s X60 spoof has reared its head as a IC7760 (160m-6m Rig) Also Yaesu new 6/10 watt rig, replacing FT817/8 the FTX-1F (HF160m to 70cm)
Dateline 24/08/2024 “Sunfest 2024” will be held at :
• New and pre-loved items
• Amateur Radio Operators
• CB Radio Users
• Radio and Electronics Enthusiasts
• Short Wave Listeners
• Food, Tea, Coffee and soft drinks available
Entry Tickets
Raffle Tickets
Email: [email protected]
Coolum Civic Centre
2-4 Park St Coolum Beach
Saturday 14th September 2024
$6.61 Entry per Person
$11.90 Traders Table (includes 1 person entry)
$2 Raffle Tickets – $2,000 First Prize
Cost: Where:
Trader entry from 08:00, General entry from 10:00
Dateline 27/07/2024 “Redcliffe Radio Club Car Boot Sales” See you there on the 20th August 2024, See Here.
Dateline 9/07/2024 “Library Meeting” Seems all was well with the Library in July Meeting. Lots of Club business and radio stuff, see u all at the Caboolture Hamfeast.
Dateline 23/06/2024 “Winter F/Day Report” Seems a few operators and a couple of Radio Clubs braved the winter chills (in the northern NSW and Southern Qld areas). VK2SRC/P reported (-) or “b—-y freezing”, while others worked from their QTH’s. Craig report our Clubs best result over the last few field day activations thanks to all involved (maybe a prize), QRP and MJF both home bound; from some bug.With MJF reporting a very interesting 8 hours of contesting, running bands 50MHz -5.8GHz with this being his first time as a home station, with contacts on all bands but one. Rather disappointing support for those doing a 24hr contest with very little activity after dark, some off the station were a little incoherent, due to the conditions. Anyway see you all on the next one, “VK4WIE”.
Dateline 12/06/2024 ” NEW MONTHLY MEETING VENUE” Please be advised the next Club Meeting being July 9th, will be held at the “Carindale Library” in the Carindale Shopping Centre. (entry will be with a pass code, contact our Club Secretary (Peter VK4APV) for this code.
Dateline 11/06/2024″ John Moyle Field day WIN” 2024 has been lucky for our Club once again we have won the annual John Moyle event. Thanks to all the competitors and Club members for their assistance.
See Here: 2024 John Moyle first place
Date23/05/2024 ″Have a Read” Roger Harrison has advised about the latest AR Magazine featuring “Lighting Scatter” See more Here:
Dateline 6/05/2024 “Were off To Bundy” Some of us travelled to Bundaberg Qld, for the WIA Convention. We went for Sales and to promote our Club and wares. It can be reported we did all three and more. Several enquires about our Club and a few sales, also we chatted with the Icom representatives which may prove to be fruitful. What a weekend all about radio and meeting all thought faceless contacts.
Dateline 28/04/ 2024. “M A D went ATV” Sunday we held our M A D (Microwave Activity Day) with many of the hills activated from Melaney,Toowoomba and Deep South in VK2(VK2SRC). Some operators equipped with the new IC905 were testing these useful rigs with VK2APV(Peter) and VK4MJF(John) making a contact on one of the modes available on the IC905 being ATV. Rain was forecasted, well go figure they got it right, limiting some contacts.
Dateline 18/4/2024″WIA Hamfeast” VK4AMG has done it again with his IC9700 Ref Gen will be at the WIA AGM event in Bundaberg 4/5th May 2024. See you there, its a must have if you own an IC9700.
IC9700 RefGen integrates with our GPSD-2 to utilise the radios full potential. Also see our bundle price for the WIA event only. Items are available from Our Clubs Shop.
Dateline 6/04/2024 ” RedFeast Talk” VK4CZ has reported on VK2ZRH/4(Rodger) Giving a very interesting talk on Micrwave/ Microwave Activites in the conference room @ REDFEAST 2024. Also a demonstration was conducted on the IC905 showing its Microwave ease of working, including the ATV(amateur TV) usage, with many of us rather chuffed, on its ability.
Dateline 17/03/2024 “John Moyle Field Day” All Club members were there to support the Event (looking for a 4th win). Mt Gravatt lookout was the days venue most arrived around 7:00am to set up. Autumn Weather and lots of fun and laugh’s seem to be the format for the day, with a few minor equipment hiccups. We submitted our logs and await the results.
Dateline 9/03/2024 “Xmas in March” We had our annual Xmas lunch on Sunday at the Carina Leagues (East Rugby Juniors.) Lots of fun and stories were told, good to see the XYL’s (International Womens Day) on deck. Loverly Food and good company was the order of the day. See you all at the A G M Tuesday.
Dateline 6/03/2024 “Buyers Remorse “ A post found a user Group, “It is unfortunate that so many design flaws exist in the IC9700. I had a girlfriend once that was pretty but high maintenance. The IC9700 brings back those memories. So, after dealing with instabilities, design that requires more cooling, and being unable to TX with my handheld while installing antennas without requiring repairs, I bid my 9700 a fond but final farewell at the last hamfest. I will miss her once in a while, but not the patchwork of requirements for operation. And the 9700 too.To answer the obvious question: A Q5 5BVUX and my TS2KX for IF. Leo bogners I may replace the Kenwood with a 7300 or K4 if I miss her too much
Dateline 6/03/2024 “Stability Question” > While Leo Bodnar claim their GPSDO is low jitter, my measurements show mine has relatively poor short term stability compared to my home made
GPSDO. This short term stability equates to approximately +/-0.5 Hz at 23 cm (4 parts in 10^10). There is a plot of the 10 MHz output at:
That makes sense of course since the short term stability of a GPSDO is
achieved with the OCXO, which the Bodnar unit doesn’t have.
Dateline 16/02/2024 “Ballarat ARG” Attach is a around up of the VK3 Ballarat ARG Hamvention. They all look very interested in the offerings. Also a look at the IC905 24GHz transverter with dish, good viewing. See Here.
Next event WARC Hanfest Sunday 25th Feb Wydhamn Vic.
Dateline 3/02/2024 “1st Moon Ham” We have our first ham station on the moon.
Dateline 25/01/2024 “Class Licensing” We were advised today that Repeater/Beacon Licensing will not change and stay in place after the February 2024 as normal. Although the ACMA team was still looking at the system.
Dateline 24/01/2024 “HamFeast Dates” Maybe you could take down these dates if travelling interstate.
Dateline 27/12/2023 “CRO LOSES IT” VK4CRO(Ron) whilst packing for there well earned holiday, Ronnie became one of the victims of the number of Queensland’s storm ceils to hit the CBD and other areas. Looks like a quick fix maybe after the holiday. (bands 50 MHz, 2, 70, 23cm.)
Dateline 14/12/2023″Xmas wishes” From VK4IAA (JOHN)
To all our members.
It’s been a great year for the Club and the future looks good.
Please enjoy some Christmas Cheers and the Christmas festive season.
I look forward to seeing you all next year.
Dateline 12/12/2023 “Licence Changes” ACMA and the WIA have new ideas on our band plan and the ACMA goes ahead with Class licensing See Here:
Dateline 12/12/2023 “POMS GO MAD” Ofcom in England have made big changes to there band plans and operating conditions See Here:
Dateline 11/12.2023 “MEGA WSPR” For thoughs interested a wisp challenge is currently being supported, so have a look at WSPR Challenge.
Dateline 8/12/2023 “10GHz fix” Dropped off the Clubs 10GHz gear to VK4AMG(George for a GDPS-2.5 and a tune and oil change. George has reported on the progress and will detail his findings and fixes later this week.
Dateline 14/11/2023 “Club Meeting” George VK4AMG visited our MtGravatt Club rooms and delighted our members with a Talk on the new club 6 Metre amplifier for field day.
Dateline 10/09/2023 “IMPORTANT NOTICE” We have change our 2 metre repeater settings please be advised: The correct operating frequencies are repeater
TX 147.350 repeater RX 147.950 still the same 91.5 KHz tone access, as well has 91.5 khz tone is being transmitted for the use of tone coded squelch.
Dateline 16/08/2023 “Icom goes 24GHz” Icom are about to release a 24GHz system which maybe integrated with the recently released IC905, See Here:
Dateline 10/08/2023 “John Moyle Contest” Great going Guys we did it again.
Dateline 6/7/2023″Voyager 2 Lost” VK4AMG sent some interesting youtube videos on a small array outside of Canberra (see links below)
Explanation by Richard Stephenson from the NASA Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex in Canberra on how the 70m DSS-43 dish at the CDSCC is used to still contact the Voyager 2 probe.
Dateline 23/7/2023 “PILEUP 23cm Yes on SHF” Today’s M.A.D./ 23 on 23 has been a great success with about a dozen or so operators on the bands used, in VK4 and VK2. All bands from 23cm-3cm were worked with the yellow jersey being shared with a 3cm SSB contact with VK4CZ/p(QG64HA) /VK4UH/P(QG61NU) 249.2Kms and the team of VK4AFL/VK4FLR for their 3.4GHz contact on Q65 528Kms. It seems some hill top location was the place to be, with most local contacts on 23cm, the VK Spotter looked like a rainbow with the amount of contact band colours displayed . Here most of the todays winners VK4 KLC-CZ-HF-UH-CRO-CPS-MJF-SU-VU-UV-HF-RF-KWS-AFL-FLR-EK, for being there. It was nice to see some new faces, there was an incomplete contact on 3.4GHz between VK4UH and VK4FLR good going, work to be done. See you all on the next one.
Dateline 23/7/2023 “IC905 tests OK” VK4MJF(John) has reported on the IC905 being a very easy radio to run microwave bands, testing on Sundays 23 on 23/ microwave activity day (M A D). With its 2 watts on 13cm and 6cm contacts were made from sea level to about 900 metres 120Kms with Colin VK4UV giving 5/7 report. With a bit more practice on peaking the external gridpaks some further distant contact would be possible, keep tuned. One of the local hams has purchased the IC905 so John has reported some ATV and further tuning will be assistance to both stations.
Dateline 20/7/2023 “MJF TV” VK4MJF reported the IC905 will work out of the box on ATV. So far the rig has been a success in the shack and Field day(Winter).
Dateline17/7/2023 “M A D” Its 23 on 23 this Sunday 23rd. There are hills looking for the new gear test, here you there. Click here:
Dateline 26/06/2023 “New Site & IC905 1st outing” Winter Field day 2023 trip, VK4APV(Peter) was first to arrive and select the site location and after a pleasant drive greeted us all, nice place. We soon got into the setup and jumped on air about 30 or some minutes after the start time (for some reason the Club set took a little extra time, maybe suffering for altitude sickness). We managed to have the new IC905 with us with 2.4/ 5.8 GHz built in and 3.4GHz running a SG Labs 3.4GHz transverter using IC905 IF of 430MHz. Everyone was very impressed with the rigs ease of setup/operation on the bands choosen and we look forward to further testing. Cool weather, sunny but nice and a wind chill factor at times, trying to find some bones. We all had a good day. Can not wait for the next one.
Dateline 22/06/2023 “ACMA Exams” Looks like the ACMA has a resolve for the our hobby. See here :
Dateline 24/05/2023 “IC905 Price” See Here: No date on arrival but the price is in. Hope we are all saving
Dateline 22/05/2023 “Bench Test IC905” Look to buy an IC905(A$5000.00 maybe) or just interested in learning about testing your gear/Microwave as well see here;
Dateline 21/04/2023 “VK4WIE Scoops Pool” Our Club contest Group has done it again, 2 years running with the John Moyle Trophy. See results Here :
Dateline 20/04/2023 “WIA Facts” Please read the WIA news as 3.4GHz and 1.2GHz are in the news, to be taken from the Amateur band. See Here: Also some more information/delay on the Class Licence idea.
Dateline 1/04/2023 “Redfeast Follies” Great day was had by all many of us were deep in conversation and busily sell those items. Chris from Morgan &Young visited us and said he try to see us again if his schedule allows lots of new product to see and learn about. One interesting exhibit was the POTA ( Parks on the Air) something like SOTA, worth a look.

Dateline 29/03/2023 “Redfeast this weekend”. 1st April, this weekend is the Redfeast 9am till stumps. See you there St Michaels School Caboolture. Direction Here:
Dateline 21/03/2023. “IC905 is here” its official see here IC905 Is here and the PRICE IS. If you thought a IC705 was dear then have a read empty out your bank account. Maybe its a recommended suggested retail price, Dealers price maybe($4200) will not hurt as much, Khune gear is looking low price at this stage.
Dateline 20/03/2023 “John Moyle F/Day” Our Club setup at MtGravatt Lookout for the John Moyle Field day 2023. It was a great chance to try all the mods and new gear on the week end. Although the weather was fine and clear, the heat was a telling factor which may have kept some station at home in the air-conditioning. Several Club stations braved the conditions out on location, VK4WIE, BAR and VK2SRC were some. With VK4UH, AFL,EA,UV,CZ,OE,DCM trying out 1296cm and up.

Dateline 16/03/2023 “WIA INSURANCE” WIA has offered all clubs a new insurance policy, for the information read here:
Dateline 15/03/2023 “Great for use with IC9700-“ For thoughts taking the IC9700 out on Field day or just roving around, George VK4AMG reports “With the sale of the OCXO and GPS disciplined frequency references 10 MHz Reference by VK4AMG. – City Of Brisbane Radio Society inc. I have several operators using my PC time sync application and using the feature that adds RS-232 GPS data to radios like the IC9700 for time and “myStation” position.”

We are also getting good feedback on the product mix that people are using for home and portable operation.
Good take up of the first batch of Icom IC9700 PTT EXTENDER. – City Of Brisbane Radio Society inc.
Dateline 14/03/2023 ” BIG WEEKEND” No its not a Woodstock, just a weekend full of Club Activities. It starts Tuesday nite @ the Club AGM @ the TAFE followed quickly with the March Meeting, one not to miss. Then off we go on Saturday to Mt Gravatt Lookout for the John Doyle Field day (7am start for an 8 hour Contest). After a good sleep and a relaxing breakfast @ your QTH, we are off to the East Rugby Leagues Club for our Club Xmas in March Lunch @ Cooparoo. See you all there:

Dateline 5/03/2023 “IC9700 Functions loaded” With Our Club Projects your Icom IC9700 could make your shack a dream too work. PTT Extender to drive amplifier’s or Transverter’s,also with the VK4AMG GPSD-1 10MHz GPS disciplined reference holding everything on frequency. All available from the Club web shop.

Dateline 4/3/2023 “Club Outing” Saturday 4/3/2023 we had first Club Build day, thanks to Peter (VK4APV) for providing the work premises in Salisbury, the revamped (EDI buildings) for us to construct part of this Club Project. Laughter was the scope of the day, which we achieved and some of the build. Our project too date has been ordered nationally and orders and interest from overseas, keep building boys. Our Club project has been kindly sponsored by Masters & Young.

Thanks to all who made the day a success and we look forward to our next Club Build day
Dateline 1/3/2023 ″Results Confirmed” VK4AFL(Trevor) and VK4FLR (Frank) confirmed 3.4GHz QSO this morning 28/02/2023. After completing with Q65 , they followed on SSB. With excellent tropospheric conditions, SSB signals on 3.4 GHz were 5/9 plus.
After months of watching early morning conditions on the Rockhampton to Brisbane path, both were overjoyed with the morning results. Frank headed off for a celibately breakfast.
Their efforts were witnessed by VK4MJF, receiving both modes of Q65, +7 and SSB 5/5 +. John then celebrated with a SSB contact with Frank on 23 cm SSB.

Dateline 19/02/2023 “PPT Extender” We have started our production of the IC9700 PTT Extender in earnest, our model testing over, we believe the IC9700 Extender has meet all our requirements for the control of amplifiers and Transverters connected to this IC9700/radio system. As a result Kits are available for purchase, with the fully constructed and tested item to follow over the next few weeks. Stock will be available at the Redfeast Ham day, 1st April 2023. See you there.
Dateline 26/01/2023 “Aussie Record” It might be Australia Day,and some of us are out to lite the barrby etc, but our hobby moves on. This morning VK(AX)4UV and MJF made a landmark digital contact on 2.4GHz which we believe has been listed in the WIA records, over this distance of 63.6Klm’s. Great going boy’s look forward for the next ones. Certificate is in the mail.

Dateline 15/01/2023 “Big Day” VHF/UHF Field day on Saturday. Great day, lots of visitors etc. By know we are all well trained in the art of setting up the equipment(The Shack to Taj((not 1 but 2 Marquises), just a couple of items to sort . Eight hours of contesting several hours either side to set up and pack away, many new contacts eg. VK4I, VK4Q, VK4S and a new contestant VK4WID(Toowoomba) the operator said they had contested in the past. We must thank all of our team for the great event, and of course all the contacts out there giving us the points.

Dateline 11/09/2023 “SHF God” It appears one has printed a story not tailored to the facts. I/We must set the recorded straight and Advise Trevor VK4AFL fell and broke his femur and hip. There was an operation and he has a blood clot in his lung. Not as reported earlier. This publication wishes to apologise for the incorrect reporting and hope for Trevors recovers quickly and returns to our Hobby very soon.
Dateline 9/01/2023 “Field day start” VK4CJM(Craig) collected the Club trailer this morning and reported a successful trip home, ready for the (VHF/UHF Field day.) Our Club’s attempt will be on Saturday 6:30/7:00 am start on the 14th January, at Mt Gravatt Look-out for an 8 hour stint, working all bands 50MHz to 10GHz. All are welcome, either contact Craig or John, or just turn up.
Dateline 2/1/2023 “baggage smuggling ” VK4CJM(Craig) has reported about an up and coming visit to the home land in February on the issues of taking Ham gear over on the plane. With the latest news on baggage handling this may mean walk on luggage could be the only answer. Also whilst in Brisbane “VK4CJM (Craig) reported his first QSO on 10m. This was with JG1HQA (28.470 SSB). Craig gained 10m capability recently after finally getting a 9.5m mast up for his Rippletech RD-3 rotatable dipole”.
Dateline 30/12/2022 “Lastpost “for the last time for 2022 a small issue seems to be still hanging around with ACMA and the WIA. SEE HERE more to come in 2023 see you all then Happy New Year. PS after all the festivities, don t forget all the bottles and cans to the club account.
Dateline 18/12/2022 “Xmas” Greetings to all the City of Brisbane Radio Society members.
The Club has had a very good year.
The New Year could be even better. The 2023 Summer Field Day should build on our very successful 2022 Spring Field Day.
Our bank balance looks healthy and the positive plans look very promising for the Club.
Thank you all for your enthusiastic contributions throughout 2022.
I wish you all the best for the Festive Season.
Dateline 6/12/2022 “PTT Extender 2023”. With the year rocketing too an end and Xmas upon us, things are a bit hectic in the world. Not in our Club though, alls ago with a Ver-01 upgrade of the PTT Extender, with the boards ordered and prototypes being tested. All looks good for a 2023 launch so get those iron’s warmed up. Also a new version of the GPSDO has also had major changes with GPS locating added for the IC9700(something Icom thought about and left to the owner), further upgrade may also be on the horizon, keep checking. So with all that said, head to the Our Club Shop and get briefed on these data changes. A January Summer Field Day has been booked with the site to be discussed. (Over and Out)
Dateline 30/11/2022 “New GPSD-1 “ See here, new feature to the GPSD-0, we have included RS-232 serial data GPS function for the IC9700, which Icom offered in IC705 and omitted from IC9700( now include in the GPSD-1 (for Field Day etc.)
Dateline 28/11/2022 “Oh what a day” Well we arrived at the Field day site Mt Mee (QG62JW), after some drama, lets just say interesting morning MJF meet the new bitch of his life, enough said. We all pitched in and got to work with the erection. Some time later we were settled in and by start time were up and running on 50MHz to 10 GHz( with microwave reports of 5/9+40on 2.4GHz 5/9+20 3.4GHz and 5/9+20 on10GHz). Lots of visitors and the like. By 7.30PM we were almost packed away and making our way home. During the contest we all contested, drank, ate and made lite of the hot sun. See here:
Dateline 25/11/2022 “Spring Field day” We will be out on Mt Mee. north of Brisbane QG62JW others are out and about north and south of Brisbane 8- 2hr Hr see you all on the day.
Dateline 4/11/2022 “Shocking Information” VK4UH(Kevin) has given a talk on shack accidents and the treatment if this mishap is confronted. See here: Dr Kevin(VK4UH) travelled with many others down to Hobart for their Reast Hamfeast in the University of Tasmania grounds , were he was asked to present a very important subject which seems to be glossed over in many and all shacks.
Dateline 14/11/2022 “PTT Extender Hit @Gold Coast Ham Feast) Although the IC9700 PTT Extender is still in development, a wave of interest to purchase was encouraging. Although development is still a some weeks away we expect to see plenty of interest. See Here:
Dateline 12/11/2022 “New for 2022” As the title has eluded we are Showing and selling the VK4AMG 10 MHz reference Project. We will be featuring it at the Gold Coast Hamfest. see more details Here:
Dateline 11/11/2022 “IC905 Debut” Tassie Ham Feast had Icom Stand showing off all its latest gear plus Haydens(VK7HH) report on the event. Here.
Dateline 2/11/2022 “More power to the people” Roger Harrison had mentioned in a BVHF Group October Club Meeting, about the WIA getting involved with the ACMA on new power and band plan changes, ACMA proposals on Class Licensing
Dateline 26/10/2022 “Microwave source”Here is a Utube presentation on Parabolic disc by VK4OE(Doug) as we discussed on the last Zoom meeting; see here.
Dateline 19/10/2022 “BNC’s” Peter VK4PI found this interesting take on L type BNC’s, sure we all have one or two of these in the shack. Read here:
Dateline 18/10/2023 “Nice MagLoop” Found on the utube is a very nice take on a better priced and explained talk on a Magnetic loop and why its only good at 20 metres. Loop construction is very different to most out there, thought’s on the “crap out there” so here read.
Dateline 10/10/2022 “Yaesu creams the competition” Ok so its now offical Yaesu has got the top ranking in the Sherwood Engineering stakes. 1-2 and 4th, prices are $5500-$2400 and $1800.00 as they rank, unseating some older ranked radios by Elecraft, other major producers lower in the list. As this seems to mainly rated in the popular HF radios spectrum, it will be interesting if they become the preferred/packed on contests and DX perditions.
Dateline 10/10/2022 “Meeting Nite” See you all there MtGravatt Tafe much to talk about.
Dateline 26/09/2002 “Cheap 705 Icom”Maybe your not a fan of the IC705 because of cost. Well have we got a deal for you Q900 SDR 20w on HF 15W 2m and 10w on 70cm and 1.6GHz RX. Read away:
It is a portable full-ranges and full-modes software-defined-radios with receive frequencies ranging from 100 kHz to 2 GHz. With a developed mobilephone APP, it is easy to control, making the operation more convenient and faster. This product features a full-keyboard design, built-in BT, sound card module, and communication serial port module. Full support for current popular radios control and logging software, giving you more playable space. Support satellite automatic Doppler tracking function (the software will be sent to you after placing an order.) A video review here:
Dateline 21/09/2022 “17th Harmonic” An interesting email came to the club site a day two ago on the 17th harmonic take a look here:
Dateline 19/09/2022 “Gold Coast Ham Fest” Pencil it in 13th November 2022, See you there:
Dateline 15/09/2022 “Bargains going quick” Go to the Club shop and grab a bargain , before the lot goes.
Dateline “13/09/2022″QRZ UpDates” We have recently updated our Clubs QRZ pages(VK4WIE and VK4RBR), so if they can assist you please take a look. They contain Club/ and repeater details.
Dateline 10/09/2022 “Icom Fair Dinkum” Icon Australia have published this on there latest SHF Gear:
Dateline 6/08/2022 ” 50 on 50″ Here we go for all you 50MHz nuts, knock yourselves out, the WIA has decided to let you go crazy.
See Here : The WIA DX Awards Program is pleased to announce a new award, the “Fifty on 50 Award”.

Dateline 4/08/2022 “Silent Key” Ian Orrell a new and valued Club member, past on the 21st August 2022. All our thoughts are with Ians family and loved ones, on this very sad news. Although Ian was with us for a short time, all of us had had some connection with Ian either on Club functions, field day’s or giving help on his project to build and use a HF rig. With his struggle to attain his first Amateur radio Licence, Ian was also struggling with past health issues. Ian Orrell a valued Club member and will be missed.
Dateline 31/08/2022 “UFO’S on the Moon” It has been reported by NASA Artemis 1 mission, currently set to launch on August 29th(currently aborted to a later date), is going to carry many CubeSat secondary payloads to the Moon. This Space Ship Artemis 1 will carry a few Beacons to the moon, with one on 70cm. See Here, for more detail:
Dateline 30/08/2022 “VK0 from Moreton Is.” VK4CJM (Craig) reported from a recent 4 day adventure to Blue Lagoon on the east side of Moreton Island, of many contacts on 20 metres around the world on his FT891 HF set. With one standout contact from VK0WN( Warren) During his excursion of Casey Station Antarctica.

Dateline 30/08/2022 “MORE HF” Yaesu have their new Radio coming out in September 2022 FCC approval the FT710 AESS HF/50MHz. HF/50MHz!, It amazes that they produce a very nice state of the art FTDX10 HF/50MHz Radio off the back of the FTDX101/D (guess HF/50MHz) which turned out to lead the pack in the RX race. So we have a new HF/50MHz radio to chose from in an already flooded market of YAESU HF/50MHz family (A few of the remarkable features of the new FT-710 AESS are:). It seems a bit, have I lost it moment, by the sale or R&D branch of YAESU. If they think us Yobbo’s have the cash to spend on a new HF/50MHz set; when we/they haven’t even finish reading the very large tome; call a users manual, or scratched the plastic off their/my last buy. Anyway least its competition ICOM have moved to try and reeducate some of us that there are other bands other than HF/50MHz, well done them.
Dateline 29/08/2022 “Paper Work IC905” Icom have released the documentation on the New IC 905 Here. No price as yet, seen offers from $3500-$10000. Maybe email us with your offer and the Club could offer a prize for the closest guess.
Dateline 27/08/2022 “1296cm Cheap” With the advent of this Wideband Synthesizer technology such as ADF4351, I found this on the everfaihfull shop. Although it suggests using a Flex Radio, It has a vey lower IF input 10mw(MAX) and a low output 100 mw and uses either 28/50MHz as an IF, would make it a really easy project to update your HF set, with the right advise.
Dateline 26/08/2022 “ZELLO”. Hears a new concept I picked, up a Network handheld been around for a couple of years, it appears Icom have jumped on board with new idea ICIP501H ICOM LTE IP radio. happy reading.
Dateline 26/08/2022 “REAST” VK7 are happy to annoyance there REAST(Ham Radio Conference and Expo) for 2022. See Here for more.
Dateline 21/08/2022 “10GHz Icom” 10 GHz Icom you say! well its true. With the advent of SDR’s software defined radios the concept is possible to do all these newly introduced modes to a commercially built radio. This IC905 has the ability to make field days even more fun. See Here
Dateline 20/082022 “CRO Goes all out” Ronnie (VK4CRO) has gone all out on 1296MHz, investing in a 43 element Yagi. He boasted “I have ordered a 43 element version only 2db less than 70 el version”

18/08/2022 “Repeaters are fixed” VK4CRO(Ronnie) reports that the Club repeaters are up and running, we’ ll hear you all there.
Dateline 15/08/2022 “New Foundation Manual”The new edition Foundation Licence Manual Edition 4, has landed in the WIA’s store. This 4th edition has been totally updated and now includes an introduction to AC theory, capacitors inductors and resonance, digital techniques and ADC/DAC’s, decibels, and SDR radios.
Dateline 10/08/2022 “RBR is a go” CRO (Ronnie) has advised us that the Club repeater has been updated and ready to go very soon. Also from the Club August Meeting a certificate for 1st place in the John Moyle field day was tabled, great stuff by all who attended.

Dateline 6/08/2022 “Its on again” Tuesday nite 9th, the August Club meeting, 7.00 pm. Looking forward to this one lots of things to discuss and remedy.
CRO has put up his HF vertical, MJF has finished his antenna farm(for this week at least)all up and running. Everyone is bizzy studying for licence upgrades.
Dateline 26/07/2022 “Better than sex” Well maybe, but its a good debt. 1296cm stacked array with a 2.4GHz stacked array in the centre, looks good heres hoping it works. A few more bits from eBay and well find out . So far the 1296cm works very well has worked VK4FLR on Q65 so far a tad more height is the plan there. 2.4GHz is still in testing @ 4 metres has a similar RX as the 2.4GHz Grip pak@ a height of about 6metres, also hoping height increase will assist.

Dateline 19/0702022 “Board! go here” Got some time up your sleeve, maybe a trip to the Apple Isle might be in the budget. Tasmania(freeze you – off), Tassie Ham Radio Conference and Expo – 5-6 November 2022 – Hobart! Anyway its your choice, lots of stalls and seminars to see.
Dateline 6/07/2022 “Club Meeting” 12th July Tuesday See you there.
Dateline 26/06/2022 “Weather gods were with us” Well another VHF/UHF Winter field day over and all had a great time, with every one involved on the erection and de erection of the WIE Club station on Mt Gravatt Lookout. It was 7.00 am start 7 degs; a bit cool, although the weather was in our favour. So it was all hands on deck, lots of new ideas to complete the station construction. All bands covered 6metres to 10GHz, so as the day progressed all bands had at least a few contacts . Lots of visitors and stories were told a great day with thanks to all who participated; more pics here: See Yah on the next one.

Dateline 17/06/2022 “Club Wins” Who needs a race course and a nag to win, as we all know the Club entered the John Moyle Contest about a month back and the results are in. see below, First Place. This was our first contest out from Covid at our new contest head quarters at Manly west. Looks like a good start for our next contest, being the VHF/UHF field day from Mt Gravatt lookout 25h June 2022.

Dateline 14/06/2022 “Can U Solder” VK4MJF(John) has been guilty of such a crime. After constructing a 4×32 element yagi’s for 1296cm with all reading excellent SWR/etc. and a mammoth task to crane these 4 to the top of his one man tower. First test results were bleak with very little db gain over the replaced 36 element single yagi. So after six months of testing, plus extreme weather conditions he decided to replace the 4 x 32 1296cm with the original yagi. As the testing had resulted in the negiative it was time to find the cause. Bad soldering on 3 of the 4 driven elements was found to be the reason, probable cause may have been flexing during the high winds. All repairs have been finished and currently under testing. Some explanation for the construction, was to better the current single yagi’s performance,(being a history of 3 contacts of over 500Km with VK4FLR(Frank) Rockhampton Qld using Q65/ 10 watts WSJT X using the help of aircraft enhancement and Troppo, (VK4AFL and FLR have a contact on 1296cm daily, @ 6:30amEST.)

Dateline 23/05/2022 “YOU CAN HELP” Below is our new way to gather donations, next time you drop of those pesky cans and bottles use the Clubs number, its free and the Club grabs a couple of Bucks THANKS.

Dateline “11/04/2022″April Meeting” Its on see you there, guaranteed to be a blast.
Dateline 5/04/2022 “Interesting Stats”. Read on and click here to see some interesting statistics on the growth of amateur radio in Australia. Click here:
Dateline 24/03/2022 “CRO HAS MORNING ERECTION” VK4CRO(Ronnie) has had a early morning mast raising at the new Chook shed.

Dateline 22/03/2022 “Success” It has been a few years for a successful Club Field Event. Covid/ Rain/ Bad timing just to mention a few, last weekend it all came together. Ron’s new chook shed was the back drop and the only visitors were New/Old Club members, Ian and Craig dropped in to look help and learn, all in all we had a good day. We set up early around 8.00am, a very sunny day. Tuned all the rigs from 6metres to 10GHz, erected the antennas ready for the start gun. We were well into the day with all bands hot to trot, including 3.4GHz worked a first for the Club, hopefully 5.8-10GHz will be also open with the next field day looming, offering more microwave activity normally in operation.

Dateline 11/03/2022 “AGM Wrap up” John(VK4IIA) as the out going president thank all members for their participation throughout the last financial year, high lighting the loss of the Club HF Station at boston Road(30 plus year event venue) as Ronnie (VK4CRO) had sold it to move to the new hill top palace at Manly West. Also Sean came to both AGM/ monthly meeting as a new member nice to welcome Sean. All vacant positions were filled and we look forward to the coming year ahead, with several events booked starting with the John Moyle Contest on the 19/20 th of this month.
Dateline 3/3/20022 “AGM” Please be advised the Club will be holding its annual general meeting on the 8th of March.
Dateline 22/02/2022 “Club Contest” We are pleased to advise the Club trailer and gear are (Weather permitting) taking part in the John Moyle Contest on the 19/20 th of March 2022. We have pencilled in the MtGravatt lookout area at 7.00am arrival for the erection of the Club station and will do the 6 hour slot. See you there, all welcome.
Dateline 18/02/2022 “CRO sets new heights” Ron Croucher(VK4CRO) has moved from his well known QTH at Belmont, (used for the Club HF contesting station), to his new hilltopQTH at Manly West. Rons first comments on the families latest move was its very windy here. I maybe able to great views of Morten Bay, with the City sights as a bonus. but with the views great take off for VHF/UHF comes a new phernominon of wind as their last site was well protected from such weather conditions. We all hope Rons move is successful and some of us are a little envious.
Dateline 17/02/2022 “M.A.D is on” Read here for more information.
Dateline 8/02/2022 “Club Shop” we have started a Club store. Will have further information on this site in the near future.
Dateline 4/02/2022 “HAM ADs” Take a look WIA has a site for placing ham adds.
Dateline 3/02/2022 “Its on Again” February 2022 Club Meeting same time 7.00pm same place Mt Gravatt TAFE. See you there.
Dateline 1/02/2022 “Club Repeaters out” Sorry to all that use the Club 6,2 70cm repeaters as they were taken out in a recent storm. We have the great technical people on the job and were sure they be up and running very soon.
Dateline 31/01/2022 “Covid Woes” Seems we are still doing the safe thing. Well the radio is still alive 2 metre openings to the southern states, lots of HF activity. We might be locked away but we can still DX.
Dateline 1/01/2022 ″ A New Year” Covid seems to be the driving force for the world today, keeping lots of our Club activities/field days to be put on hold.
First out of the blocks for 2022 is in January, John Hull Memorial VHF/UHF Contest, starting on 1st January.
Quickly followed with the Summer VHF/UHF field day on the 15/16th January 2022
Dateline 20/12/2021 “Last even for the Year 2021) 23 on 23 Final 2021. See you There:
Dateline 8/12/2021 “A XMAS Message” CBRS Season’s Greetings
May I wish to all of our members a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
My thanks to those who carried us through this year under very trying conditions.
I look forward to the Club’s operations re-commencing with the 8Th February meeting next year.
Until then, please enjoy the festive season.
John Collins VK4IAA
Dateline 1/12/2021 “WIA ADS” Have look here if you would like to Buy/Sell Gear.
Dateline 30/11/2021 ″This is all it takes” Looking at the VHF-UHF Microwave Face Book page, David gave us a glimpse on how easy it is to jump in on a FD for a few hours and have some fun. See Here:
Dateline 25/11/2021″Weather Field day “VHF/UHF Field day weather 27-28th See Here:
Dateline 13/11/2021″CRO’s @ Fest” See Ronnie (VK4CRO/COP)down at the Gold Coast Ham Fest as below.
Dateline 10/11/2021 “Xmas is here” Club Xmas diner is on at the Easts Rugby league Club on the 14th November, see you there. You must contact John (VK4IAA) for tickets.
Dateline 4/09/2021″Club Fund raising” We were at the Nambour Hamfest today selling our wares thanks to all that helped.

Dateline 25/09/2021″1296cm Copy” Hi Guys (says VK4IAA). I had a short session with the 23 on 23 Group last Thursday night after 8pm. Good performance around Brisbane with Edens Landing, Mt Cotton, Albany Creek? And Bribie. The more northern stations I heard but could not decipher. The Group went onto higher things which I could not. The Club IC910(AMG certified) gear works well it seems.
Dateline 24/09/2021″New Contest Manager “Ross Hull Marathon. see more here.
Dateline 15/09/2021 “23 on 23” September 23 on 23 will be held on the Sunday 19th September with liaison held here:
Dateline 5/09/2021″WIA DX Awards Program Exciting New Feature – Groups”See here:
Dateline 31/09/2021″Club Trailer @ the Beach” Our Club Trailer has taken up residence @ the beach for a while.
Dateline 28/08/2021″Reflector for Higher Bands” see more here:
Dateline 27/08/2021″ 9cm submission”ACMA have just asked for submissions. Read Here:
Dateline 20/08/2021″Contest 2×1 Callsign”Read Here:
Dateline 15/08/2021 “SPECIAL MEETING TIME” Due to a covert 19 lockout at the MtGravatt TAFE, we have rescheduled the meeting to 17th August 2021. SEE YOU THERE.
Dateline 7/08/2021 “1296MHz Going to waste” Most mornings in 2021 23cm and Q65 has been burning the northern skies with most activity between Brisbane and Emu Park Rockhampton Qld. VK4AFL with VK4FLR have been making contact on 2metres and 23cm Q65(with the SSB contact as conditions allow.) As the family is growing both ends, it maybe a worth while look. Nice screen shot of one contact.

Dateline 4/08/2021 “Sexist Language from WIA” We would like to bring you attention to the WIA who has published on their web sites, an apology to its valued readers of the latest AR Magazine. Read here:
Dateline 4/08/2021 “$50 VSWR” How things change some time back an antenna analyser would cost around $400-600. Well that was then, today we have a small but very powerful NanoVNA version 2 to do that job and much more This a Vector Network Analyser will coverage 50KHz- 3GHz also a nice touch screen.Try here for a look in price etc.
Dateline 3/08/2021″Lockdown Blu’s” Maybe its time for a new project or two. With Lockdown’s happening a bit more frequent maybe its time to start that must do one day project.
Heres a few hints to restart the grey matter, antenna repair or maybe a new band, look for that new Radio and buy it(theres a lot of learning too do.) To be sure there will be something in the wind, good luck.
Dateline 30/07/2021″Winter Field day” WIA has emailed the winter field day interim results, ill post on receipt of confirmation later.
Dateline 29/07/2021 “IC705 Review” Icom IC705 has been available for a good six months and a test report maybe of some interest.
As the IC705 has frequency coverage from 160MHz to 432 MHz many transmission modes, with the inclusion of some newer data modes, including DV(DStar). Being easier to interface with your PC. Most features were adopted from Icom’s first SDR, the IC9700 with the addition of HF added makes this radio a true winner for the purchaser.
As there is little out there to compete with its versatility and Architecture(IC9100 offering HF/ 1296cm maybe), the IC705 offers small but vital pluses. Being around the screen is quite amazing, with a large easy to read colourful touch screen and very few knobs, it just seems to operate with ease.
Low power on portable operation(5watts on board battery) or connect a 12volt supply giving(10) watts, also adjustable per band power (great for running transverters). It is believed the IC705 will replace the favoured FT817/818, for portable operation.
As a field day radio/SOTA the IC705 just seems to make most challengers a breeze. Transverter operation is made easy, its on board calling function, easy read touch screen and the list just goes on.
Some failing of many passed radios has been addressed, also in the new IC9700 was on drift on digital modes (such as whisper,JT65, FT8 etc.), this has been tested with great success with on board bands also as an IF radio on 1296cm and higher frequencies with great reports, and no reason to add further modification.
So with a price point being validated to much higher than other radio’s used in this category , they just don’t compare.
Dateline 23/07/2021 “CRO Goes Enviro” VK4CRO(Ron) has relocated his arrays in the woods close by his shack. Environmentlly freindly, Ron has been working on the system for months. Looks very stealthy.

Dateline 16/07/2021″M A D ” Brisbane VHF Group are having a test day Sunday 18th July @ 11:00 am start 1296cm and up. see you there.
Dateline 12/07/2021 “MJF goes mad on 23cm Array”. VK4MJF(John) has started to build a 23cm Yagis array(4), he was quick to say the current array was lacking in gain so as we were in lock down or something like that, a small job was required.

Dateline 12/05/2021″Many Thanks” Our Club thanks all the out going Club executive members for their service thought the year and we hope the new executive members for their bravery, for this years service.
Dateline 11/05/2021 ” Bandwidth Loss” ACMA has decided to reap more bandwidth from the amateur community again, in its latest bid to make more money from the commercial sector. Read Here:
Dateline 29/04/2021 “AGM” Our Club will hold its Annual general Meeting at the next scheduled Club meeting in May 2021. All postions will be vacated and if you are interested in nominating on any of the Club Executive postion please nominate to the Club secretary Ron (VK4CRO ).
Dateline 14/04/2021 “BVHF Beacons” Thanks to the Brisbane VHF Group have reported as of this date ALL there beacons 432MHz and up are all in good working order. 50-144 MHz are still on test and will be placed in their new permanent location later in the year.
Dateline 10/04/2021 “Red feast Club Table” We had booked a table at RedFeast this year. Braving the Covert 19 bug. It turned out to be a nice day weather wise and with masked people every where. Trying to identify the ham behind these masts was a tad difficult, although lots of fun was had, chats, no hand shakes and fried burgers on the menu.

See you next year or at Wombye later in the year.
Dateline 14/03/2021 “Zoom WIA” On Monday March 15th at 7.30pm Eastern Daylight time (0830z) the WIA will attempt something new in an effort to communicate with members the scope and challenges presented by the ACMA’s Consultation paper on Future Amateur Radio Service licensing.
Members of the board and the Spectrum Strategy committee will be appearing live on the HamRadioDX YouTube channel.
Dateline 20/02/2021″LOOK BACK” A look back at the Club Events in the past, MtWolvi (near GympieQld).

Dateline19/02/2021″2 Metre Repeater” Our 2 metre repeater is up and running hear you on it.

Dateline 18/02/2009 “ACMA Rules Change” ACMA has a new read and have your say: Here After reading it you’ll find ACMA is trying to give us Licences with no fees and much more 50MHz looks in doubt.
Dateline 8/02/2021″Club Meeting” Tuesday 9th February, Mt Gravatt, see you there.
Dateline 25/01/2021 “CRO beats 1296cm”. VK4cro (Ron) has at last finished his 1296cm Transverter/Amplier, boasting a Kuhne 1296MHz transverter (which a few years back won the Brisbane VHF Groups test and tune day @ Redcliffe on 23cm) and his Club version 150 watt power Amplifier.

Ronnie post on Face Book, “my 1296 MHz amp upgrade by vk4amg with 10 meg reference to the Kuhne and K3 working spot on just to a 14 element Yagi arm, but will pick up my 22 element next week”.
Dateline 14/01/2021″. ” VK4cro (Ronnie) has been busy reconditioning his 15 year old, 6 element 50MHz beam. Seems like a good idea as 6 metres has been very active this summer.

Dateline 20/12/2020 “MJF Latest ” As the covid reaps havoc around the world some of us Hams have been busy building projects in the LOCK DOWN periods. Check here:
Dateline 20/12/2020 ” Xmas Message” Our Club would like to extend a Happy holidays and New Year, to all our Members and followers. Also to advise that our next Club Chat meeting on the Club 2 metre repeater will be 12 th January 2021.
Dateline 16/11/2020 “Under $400 1296MHz Transverter” VK4MJF has reported a nice project he has been building over the convert19 lock down. A Mini kits 13cm transverter kit with an 18 watt Mitsubishi amplifier. All is complete with a ADF 4351 PLL, knocked up by VK4AMG the second in a series of using this low priced signal generated as a with the components (VCXO, PLL, Arduino) the LO is built and tested.

All of the Transvter should be completed in the next few weeks and hoped to on air for the 23 on 23 Event.
Dateline 8/11/2020 “Oceania DX Results” Click here
Dateline 8/11/2020 “Club Field Day” 28/29th November 2020. We are entering the eight(8) hour section contest all bands 144 MHz to 10GHz. 7.00am(or near), start at the MtGravatt Look Out.

Dateline 5/11/2020 “Club Meeting ” 7.00pm Tuesday night, see u there.
Dateline 5/10/2020 “Covert Beaten ” Our first Field day event this year, as the last Field day event was cancelled by social distancing for Covert9. We had a great time with lots of laughs and fun, while also running the Oceanic DX contest bands operated 160m-10m all recording contacts.

Dateline 28/09/2020 “Low Priced 144/432 MHz” EBay has it advantages. After getting advise from VK4AMG for the purchase of a 432MHz boards, a dual band 144/432MHz transverters using a 28MHz IF (this one was complete plug and play.) As a the second item 432Mhz board and attenuation board were also purchase, complete just need to solder a few wires, add 12volts, HF(radio 28MHz) in and an antenna and your away. A few tests were done from Bribie Island on both with the beacons supplied by the (Brisbane VHF Group) with a fantastic result. Further details found here lots of other great gear, good luck.
Dateline 9/09/2020″IC705 Review’ Click Here.
Dateline 8/09/2020 Club Meeting Tonite.
Dateline 24/08/2020 “M A D Big Day” Sunday 23rd was a big day for our hobby. As the Brisbane VHF Group held one of their ( M A D Microwave Activity Days), being supported by well over a dozen budding amateurs around the Queensland area, a few portable stations on the North and South Coasts, Warwick and Kempsey NSW. See Here for more.
Dateline 9/08/2020″ SDR’s lose to old favourites” Sherwood Engineering has rated the IC9700 below some of the loved IC706/IC756 past radios(remembering these measurements are given on the Dynamic range, noise floor, with an analog to digital converter) . Interested see here:
Dateline 6/08/2020″ USA Ham Fest” Maybe of interest a virtual USA Ham Fest on line. Interested check here
Dateline 5/08/2020 “New Reviews” Check the Club New Gear reviews. Elecraft K4, and others. Pricing and honest reviews. Click here for more

Dateline 1/08/2020 “AMC Call Sign Issue” Seems the new body for the amateur regulation are a little slow to the new rules on Call signs. Read here
Dateline 30/07/2020 “New Call Signs” AMCA has announced a new Licences Indentifaction Rule.
Dateline 29/07/2020 “WIA AGM DeBriefing” With WIA having to concentrate only on their Clubs and stack holders with the change in their duties. A Debriefing paper has been published:
Dateline 29/07/2020 “Chat Show a GO” Tuesday nite Chat was a great nite. Topics were: how much we had won in the Club Lotto, the ins and outs of WSJTX and digital modes and trailer storage. Hope to see you next week for the next instalment.
Dateline 23/07/2020 “Nice Bloke” It is with regret that we have to pass on the sad News that, Quentin Forman ZL1QF VK4AQF silent key. Passed away last night from a heart attack. Reported by ZL1VH. For our Club Quentin was involved with many of our test and tune days, field days from some hill or another and as a guest at some of our past meetings. He was a very helpful, active and involved in our hobby, he will be missed and our condolences go to his family.
Dateline 17/07/2020″Looking for Young Operators ” Interesting read.
Dateline 28/06/2020″Sig Gen Low Cost” If you have an reason to get a signal generator and have a spare K or two, then you may wish to read the attached first.
Dateline 22/06/2020″23 ON 23″ 1296.100mhz near you, give it a go. Several stations have given their intentions as starters.
Dateline 22/06/2020″ Club 70CM a goer” VK4CRO has put the new Club 70cm Amplifer though its first test. 5 watts input for 150watts output.

Dateline 22/06/2020 “Who said,”Melbourne Weather !” We all arrived at MtGravatt around 7 shish ready for the winter field day. RAIN so we went for a coffee, at the hill coffee shop and made plans to erect the Club Station. FOOLs you say, we’re XXXXXXX was more like it

We started in the rain and finished in the rain. “Just give it an hour” said MJF, to JAK, HA! and it still came down.

Dateline 24/05/2020 “M A D EVENT” Hosted by Brisbane VHF Group microwave activity day took place on Sunday 24th May. All had a great day either at home or in the field. 1296MHz – 10GHz were heard, lots of gear failure and rare DX, great too see everyone out and about in these trying times. Our next Event will be the VHF/UHF Winter field day in June.

Dateline 24/04/2020 “23 on 23” Covid 19 has had an affect on lots of things, but 23cm; has to be the oddest.
Approximately 12 Hams made it to the 8.00pm session, VK4CZ<AMG<AL<GU>LHD>NA>EA>DDG>MJF>ADM>MIL>KAY as too VK2MAX.
Not a bad role up for 23cm Event, most of the signals were extreme 59+ for most, maybe the meteorological event or just a nite for it, lots of fun was had by all.
Dateline 22/04/2019 “Club Net is ON”
We had a good get together this evening on the 2m Club Repeater VK4RBR with Ron VK4CRO,JohnVK4MJF, James VK4JAK and Ken VK4GC in attendance.
There was a unanimous consensus amongst the five of us that we should hold a Net using the CBRS Repeater VK4RBR. That the Net be held weekly on Tuesday evening starting at 7.30pm. The Net is to be relatively informal. Those who attend the Net may agree to try another Band and Mode eg 40m and 80m HF as we did this evening.
James offered to have Zoom running in parallel if anybody wanted some tuition on that.
Dateline 9/04/2020 “Cheap Bench power” Whilst trolling the internet, this was found. An unused PC power supply and a $7.00 (F/Post) distribution board from Ebay, and you have 12.4v(14amps)5v(20 amps)3v(20 amps) also -12v, depending on your PC power supply. Some offer USB outlets as well, great for those projects requiring such voltages.

Dateline 8/04/2020 “Club Practice Hookup” Last nite we had a trail hookup on our 2 metres repeater with a Zoom contact trialed by all. Maybe its the first time but it was a lot of fun, James (VK4JAK) took control of the proceedings and we all agreed the up and coming meeting Tuesday next will be a goer. Thanks to all who’d a go.
Dateline 3/04/2020 “ICOM Rely on China” It seems one of the worlds leading technology drivers up until late 1970’s, Japan rely heavily on China’s low price components. Posted only a few days ago, and quoted here.

Delay in Delivery of ” Icom IC-705 “
March 31, 2020No comments
Icom IC-705 Thank you for using ICOM products. Many customers have made reservations for the HF-430MHz all-mode 10W transceiver “IC-705”,… Read more
Dateline 31/03/2020″ON AIR Meeting” April 2020 AGM and general Club Meetings will be held on air this coming sitting. Also found the next Club RV. Like the choice of HF beam and of coarse like the Club to assist in the training to run such a beast.
Dateline 23/03/2020 “CLUB MEETINGS- CANCELLED“ 2020 Corona virus has taken its toll on lots of community gatherings, and our Club has succumb to the same restrictions. Watch our Club site and emails for any change in our Club calendar of events. All Radio airways are Coronavirus free, so using your equipment over this trying time is not limited in any way, except to your licensing condition.
Dateline 25/12/2019 “Club has a good run” Thanks to all who attended the Club call sign VK4WIE has take a winning place in the latest Spring Field day event.

Dateline 22/12/2019″A Special Message” From the Boss,
I wish you all a happy Christmas and I look forward to the Club having a successful year in 2020. Our first meeting in 2020 is on Tuesday 11 February.
See you then,
Dateline 10/12/2019″Xmas Meeting Tonite”. See you there.

Dateline 4/12/2019″History is to be made” Clubroom December Meeting. See U there.
Dateline 24/11/2019 ” Northern NSW in Log “ Spring Field Day was a great success, we all turned up for a brisk 8 hour stint, all bands were worked to the limit and the logs are emailed. Thanks to all for there assistance for the setup and it looks like our new Club trailer is a massive help to the Club (thanks to VK4NE, NEF, CRO and all others who helped with the project construction.

Dateline 13/11/2019″Large Club Movement” Last nites meeting has yielded a larger number of operators for the next VHF/UHF Field Day, so we will be running 2m/70cm/6m/23cm/2.4GHz and 10GHz from our location near Belmont of fresh fields with excellent take off to the North and South of (Belmont)Brisbane.

Dateline 29/10/2019″Repeaters are a Go” Late this morning the work crew angels have waved their magic wands at the TAFE with great results, 2/70 cm and 6 metre repeaters are up and running. Thanks Guys.
Dateline 15/10/2019″Icom hits back @ Yaesu” FT817D has been knocked for a six, Icom has released it new IC705 HF/50Mhz VHF/UHF full mode radio. Seems IC7300 and the newly released IC9700 are also in the firing line. ICOM IC-705 HF/VHF/UHF PORTABLE SDR TRANSCEIVER

Dateline 6/10/2019″ Guess how’s topped the Sherwood Eng Charts” Yes its Yaesu, “yes Yaesu” topped the charts with its new FTDX101D with SDR Technology, its not just a 3D show pony. see here:

Dateline 30/09/2019 “Foundation a winner” A LCD for all Amateur Licence holders is takeaway some 3.6Ghz bandwidth and cover it up with a titbit. Foundation holders get some real help to make our hobby a bit more up to date, but the ACMA missed a chance to help the usage of allowed bands by all. see here :
Dateline 22/09/2019 “Tower Handling” By CRO, “she’s been up for some years and I was doing the annual maintenance”.Then down she came, me included. All humans made it, just a few bumps, bruises and a dented pride, but the towers is a write off (will bring extra cash from the scrap merchants). I have too report: there will be 4- m2- 2 metre antennas up for sale on VK Ham, the new tower will be much smaller.

Dateline 20/09/2019 ” ACMA on the hunt” ACMA under the cloak of an updated LCD, seems to be aligning its self with the big Telcos by selling off more Amateur bandwidth. It appears the hobby which has fostered many a technical vocation, with the reverse, many degree applicants entering the hobby as the interest presents its self. With the Amateur bands it self is not a training ground to do this not. As the writer has been an Amateur over ten years with a keen interest in all bands (HF- Microwave), its odd to see this kind of greed or big brother attitude when the all other countries recognise the value of the Hobby. Other electronic devises such as drones, cars, household items and batteries swallowing up even more bandwidth. Seems like in Victoria the pirate is alive and kicken on these bands so if ACMA persist with this attitude it may fester unlawful activities.
Dateline 15/09/2019 “Icom goes small” IC705 a new look for Icom portable HF/ 50 144 /430 Mhz included low power SDR.
see here:
Dateline 10/09/2019″ACMA sits on hands” The ACMA has closed the proposed LCD for the next 5 years, some weeks back and is still to advise the result of its fact finding. We await the results.
Dateline 5/09/2019″Don’t Forget the September Club Meeting . SEE U THERE

Dateline 7/08/2019 “Rons Idea of a hamfest” A ham feast about to begin with the 9m2 gang.

Dateline 10/07/2019″2 METER EUROPEAN PROPAGATION EXPERIMENT ON JULY 20, 2019′ Click here:
Dateline 29/06/2019″ACMA TO CHANGE LCD”. The ACMA has announced it will change the LCD, it is looking for further submissions which close on the 9th of August 2019. We all live by these regulations to be Hams, so have a read. Click here
Dateline 16/05/2019 “IC9700 has bad DRIFT” Sherwood Engineering has reported. “There are frequency stability issues with the IC-9700 that affect both CW, SSB and weak signal digital modes such as those provided by WSJT X. Frequency drift on 2 meters through 23cm has been observed causing digital decoding to be seriously degraded or impossible.” See more here”:
Also see in this site further information on drift with other SDR Brands.
Dateline 9/05/2019″Meeting Due” Tuesday 14th, same place, same room, more interesting subjects. See U There.
Dateline 2/05/2019 “A Miracle LNA” Latest mod to the mini kits 23cm LNA 28 dbn and works great.

Well it all started with a mini kits 23cm LNA and how to switch it through a bias tee or a sequencer, added a idea, 2 mini kits relays and some sma connecters. Sorter worked but too big to put in a small box. Spoke to VK4AMG, he took it further and cut the relays to size planted them inside, VK4MJF had a shot in the process, but alas a trip back to George for clean up. Anyway the job is great works well off IC910/IC9100 coax option and away we go.
Dateline 29/04/2019″ Xmas is over” Well Xmas is over and all had a great time, now its on with the show.

Dateline 20/04/2019 “Capacitance” Well the new battery is here. No its not lithium or an other form of iron and chemicals to take up the reactance/friction, to offer some form of current, with a charging time that definitely helps to delay your day. Its that odd little thing thats kept in the shack to smooth out and distribute current call the capacitor. This supercapacitor or ultracapacitor has the ability to store energy in an electric field, where a battery stores its potential energy in a chemical form. These capacitors are able to charge and discharge faster than a conventional battery because of this energy storage method. With the voltage output of a supercapacitor declines linearly as current flows. Too date these items are being used to enhance lithium battery packs. see more here.
Dateline 15/04/2019 “Amateur Radio Wins” At long last Amatuers have been rewarded by the mainstream manufacturers with radio’s; mainly (SDR’s) which offers a wide scope of operation to most of the popular bands and modes. First Ft991 (not SDR but touch screen/super heterodyne tech), next Ic7300 HF/6m and the Ic9700 (just released) with the bands 2, 70, 1296cm for contesting in VHF/UHF/SHF. Elecraft came to the front some years back, with its K3 HF/6m followed some years later with 2/4 metre modules, P3 panadapter, but stopped there as they too couldn’t see the popular usage of the 70cm and 1296cm. If you search the net, you can find lots of SDR dongles for receive, some can be call transceivers with some study to offer all popular bands, even further bands into micro wave world.Sales of the IC9700 sold out this weekend at some of the Hamfests held around Australia..
Dateline 10/04/2019″Delayed Xmas”
2018 Xmas Party will be on 27th April@ 12-1230 at the Tinglpa Fish shop
(Manly road next to the boat yard)
Dateline 26/03/2019 “WIA vs AMC” Looking at the news on website of both stack holders it seems that a rift has appeared in there communication, each blaming the other. AFL/NRL have these type of duke outs there footballers. Its a hobby we are talking about and the word politics has raised its ugly head. Read here: for more.
Dateline14/03/2019 “Update coming Soon” For those IC9100 owners a full panadapter install modification from KD2C ‘s Pat v9100. not IC9700 but it will see like it, and more.
Dateline 7/02/2019″Uni gets Exams” As of 25th February 2019 a Tasmanian University will be offering the examinations for our Hobby. See Here:
Dateline 6/02/2019″Club Meeting” February Club Meeting will be held at the normal venue at MtGravat on the 12th being a Tuesday. see you there.
Dateline 5/02/2019″WIA lost to ACMA” Acma has opted to release the WIA from its deed to hold examinations for all amateurs radio operators. : See here for more.
Dateline 29/01/2019″ IC9700 Buzz”
Looking through most of the gossip mediums the IC9700 looks like a new Icon from Icom, guess only time will tell. All the research that can be found is that an Icom employee was visiting a Ham feast in or fair Country and a heathy conversation came up with the need for a much needed SDR with other add ons to help the uhf vhf enthusiast to achieve better results. Noted so we patently await the item from Icom. Strictly Ham is quoted as saying “we expect sales to start in April 2019, as advised by Icon AU”
Dateline11/01/2019″Club ringers a result” Vk4 WIE makes a winning result in the Spring field day Contest. See Results Here
DateLine 10/01/2019″Summers here’s is the summer field day “ See you on one of the bands, looks like the weather gods are working with us..
Date 1/1/2019 “Happy New Year” from us all in the control centre of our Club and we look forward to seeing you all at the next Club meeting.
Date 19/12/2018″Xmas is here”Thanks to all our creative worldwide team of passionate individuals. Club members and our Management team, for all our fabulous events throughout the year. Please keep safe over the festivities and come and see us in the new year, (not forgetting the up and coming Summer Field day.)
Dateline 5/12/2108 “XMAS Meeting on” Yes we are having a XMAS Meeting at MtGravatt 7.00pm Tuesday 11th December. See you there.
Dateline 24/11/2018 “No Test Here” Yes its the real deal Spring VHF/UHF Field Day all were out with the new trailer and set up Thanks too all those Club members how helped build and test the rig before the first day out. VK4 GC CRO NE SQ and NEF manned the set for the day with contact on 6 metres to 1296cm, a great day was had by all.
Dateline 18/10/2018 “Trailer shack Down” Saturday 20th October 2018 will be the last shack down before the Clubs first Field day to be held at the Cro’s place in Belmont. This first field day being the Summer VHF/UHF Contest in November 2018(see events area for more information). See you @ the Cro’s .
Dateline 2/10/2018 “FT8 makes a mark” Working 40 + 20metres for VI4MARCONI, with 450 contacts great work from VK4WIE Crew. After a long week of utilising the VKMarconi call sign it moves on to another Club to try their hand, look at WIA web site for a wrap up of the results.
Dateline 29/09/2018 “Marconi Experience “ VI4Marconi has been operating from the 25th of this month until the end of the week-end at our Club HF shack in Belmont, have a look for us and give us a number, would be great to here from you.
Dateline 16/09/2018″fighting snakes in club event” Today was the Club event, too check and repair the antenna system at the Club HF headquarters in Boston road. Several members turned up at the suggested time and we set too the task, for the up and coming event VI4MARCONI to be held on 25th-30th of this month. We started with the condition of coax and feed lines, then moved out to the back of the chook shed were we confronted with overgrown vegetation and the odd dead snake. All went well and retired to the shade of the back patio for refreshment.
Dateline 9/09/2018″Great day/Coffers flow over” Wombye Hamfest was another success story for the club coffers, thanks to VK4NEF,NE &MJF who worked hard talking to prospective customers and a keen eye to pick up the last of the Club field day trailer gear and we are off! and running for the next field day.
Dateline 4/09/2018″Club Event” Our group will be allocated from 0000UTC on the 25th September to 2359 UTC on the 30th September. The call sign to be used is VI4MARCONI. The usual LCD requirements apply. September is the 100th Anniversary of the first radio contact between the Marconi station in Wales and with Mr. Ernest Fisk (AWA) Sydney Australia. This event is using VI#MARCONI special event callsign. The event will run from 0000UTC on the 1st September to 2359UTC on the 30th September.
Dateline 12/08/2018 ” 7.110 Mhz EmComm ” ORARI, Lombok Earthquake emergency frequency has been extended.
Entering the sixth day of post-Earthquake 7 SR which shook the region in West Nusa Tenggara and Bali, emergency handling was still intensified. The emergency response period for handling the impact of earthquakes in West
Nusa Tenggara ended on 08/08/2018. However, considering the many problems in handling the impact of the earthquake, the Governor of West Nusa Tenggara finally decided to extend the 14-day emergency response period, which is calculated from August 12 to 25, 2018
Conditions in the field are still many problems, such as the still victims who have to be evacuated, refugees who have not been handled properly, the aftershocks that are still going on and even earthquakes that damage and cause casualties, and others. With the establishment of an emergency response period there is easy access for personnel deployment, resource use, budget use, procurement of logistics and equipment, and administration
so that the handling of disaster impacts becomes faster.
The number of earthquake victims continues to increase. Until Saturday (11/08/2018) recorded 387 people died.
Mr. Erdius (YBØQA) as Head of Operations and Technical Affairs on behalf of ORARI HQ has sent 1 unit of VHF Repeater and 10 VHF Handy Talkies, to facilitate communication in all fields.
That is the update.
August 11, 2018, 20:39 Local Time or 13:39 UTC
73, Dani, YB2TJV on behalf ORARI HQ
Dateline 10/08/2018″Keep in mind” Meeting, the next Club meeting is fast approaching and it will be packed with the past months activities.
Dateline 29/07/2018″New Amplifier hits market” Electraft KPA1500 (1500 watts)
Separate remote-controlled power supply |
KPA1500 FAQ(pdf) KPA1500 eHam Reviews KPA1500 Flyer(pdf) ![]() |
Our new KPA1500 solid-state amplifier won’t take over your entire desktop: it’s just 4.5 x 13.5 x 11.5” (HWD; 11.5 x 34 x 29 cm). The lightweight matching companion power supply can be placed on the floor or in any other convenient location.
The KPA1500 was designed with the serious operator in mind. Its no-nonsense front panel shows all important parameters at a glance, with a high-contrast 32-character LCD and fast, bright LED bar graphs. Band switching is instantaneous, via control inputs or RF sensing. Protection and monitoring circuitry is extensive and foolproof, letting you focus on the job at hand — breaking pileups and overcoming the most difficult operating conditions. And it wouldn’t be an Elecraft amp without robust PIN-diode T/R switching. Like our KPA500, the KPA1500 offers fast QSK without a noisy relay.
The amplifier’s rugged internal ATU can handle full power with load SWR up to 3:1, while a wider matching range is allowed at lower power, including up to 10:1 in standby mode.
When it’s time to make waves, you can rely on the compact, quiet, highly integrated Elecraft KPA1500.
KPA1500 Features:
Very compact design
Fast, silent PIN diode T/R switching
Built-in Antenna Tuner with dual antenna jacks
Compatible with nearly any transceiver
160-6 meters
Introductory price: US $5,995.
Dateline 23/07/2018″Coffers filling up” Our Club participation in the Caboolture Ham fest was a screaming success. Seems some dollars made the bank account after costs. We thank all the club members for their assistance and or the support given.
Dateline 18/07/2018 “Results are in” Winter Field Day results are in and you can review the results, Here…..
Dateline 11/07/2018 “The’re Back” Cried the Cro. After weeks of repair and lots of $$$$$$$ to fix his eaten antenna array coax cable damage. His saga continues, the Cro has just advised us of the return of the Rat pack( sorry cocki Pac) to test his handy work. Lets hope all works out well.
Dateline 10/07/2018″Important Notice” The CRO reports,
“I have booked a table for the Club please fwd to members
Sat. 21st July – 2 weeks away – mark it on your calendars”.
159 Smiths Road CABOOLTURE.
This time, due to the huge amount of gear donated during the year, we will be holding a MONSTER DISPOSAL SALE with very generous pricing.Usual BIG BREAKFAST – Bacon & egg rolls, sausages & onion, tea/coffee, soft drinks etc etc.
Plenty of parking.
Open to sellers 7am.
Open to public 8am.
Entry $5
Dateline 9/07/2018 “Its Official “There will be a July meeting on Tuesday 10th at the normal Club meeting @7.00 pm, See you there.
Date 25/06/2018″Winter Field Day roll out” Lots of Stations were out and about over last weekends Field Day VK4 WIE, WIS, OE ,EA, MIL and UH just to name a few. Its was great to see so many having a go, a large contingent also in northern VK2 also trying their rigs out. Its worthwhile noting all the missing Club field day gear has been located, so stop looking.
Date24/06/2018 “Shack Up or Down” We all congregated at the CRO’S place, load the Club trailer and made our way to the field day site. All went well with the erections and the antenna’s were well in the air. Then the forgotten element, the radio’s and power supplies . This seemed to take a little extra effort as the genie was not giving us the 240 volts required to run the supply, with some great detective work by Eric (VK4NEF), this issue was resolved. Next the contacts well it got better with every call and after some minor adjustments all was well, we all had a blast and suggested that the venue could be used again for the next contest. Thanks to VK4 NE, CRO, IAA GC, NEF and MJF.
Stop Press– The June 23-24th Field Day, will at London Rd. Belmont 4153 QG62nl
Assemble at Cro,s at 8.00 am on Saturday 23rd.
BYO lunch and drinks as we are in the middle of a paddock.
Dateline 14/06/2018″New LCD Out” Take a look at the results of the WIA/LCD and give it the tick or cross. Click Here to read.
Dateline 12/06/2018” Same Place” Yes its on again to nite Club Meeting See You There… Could be lots to discuss and pass, its the the last month of the financial year 2017/18.
Dateline 30/05/2018 “RED FEST IS ON” The annual Redfest will be held on Saturday the 2nd of June at St Michael’s College near the Abbey Museum in Caboolture Queensland.
St Michael’s College (and the Abbey Museum) is well signposted from the Bribie Island Road, heading toward Bribie Island from the highway. Look for signs from the Bribie Island Road.
Doors will open at 09:00 and admission will be $5.00
Raffles and door prizes will be running on the day.
Catering facilities will be provided. Easy and nearby parking.
Want to “Redistribute some Treasures?” Book a selling space for just $10/table.
Table setup from 07:00.
Dateline 12/05/2018 “Club Silent Key ,” Sandro Bertolone a former member of our club passed last Thursday his call was VK4II .(Funeral at 2.30 at seasons aged care 881 Kingston Rd Waterford West) He lived at Holland Park for many years and moved out to the Brisbane valley about 10 years ago. Some of past efforts with the club were field day trips and very active in club activities mainly on HF, as most of us, he came from the CB era. Some of the Club conversations are of one Field day trip to Mt Wolvi near Gympie Qld, of which Sandro took part. After the setup the weather came in rather nastily and along with rain coming into the communication tent, a vist from some local cows and bulls; also tried to take refuge, or something to that nature. Im sure there a many other stories which can be told, but I sure he will be missed for other reasons, our thoughts go out to his family.
Dateline 10/05/2018 “GNU Radio” Watch this space.
Dateline 9/05/2018 “Raffle rigged” VK4MJF won the the Club raffle of a very nice multi metre, congratulation to John. Calls of Club corruption have been muted although club officials has denied any odd practices. All other Club business was orderly and a delegation for the up and coming Redfest was discussed, where a Club table will be in the event, full of treasures. See u there.
Dateline 8/05/2018 ” Same Place” Yes its on again to nite Club Meeting See You There…
Dateline 8/05/2018 “KX3 Drift” With the WIA including digital modes for some of the field days contests it seemed a good idea to see if they were any new fixes for the drift issue with the KX3. After searching though a few more sites, I was confronted with a few views on the fixing which seemed fair solutions, although one site suggested that Elecraft it self was making changes to the future version of the KX3 or its boards . Well it was time to ask the question, so much has been published on this subject and the for and against are still out there and with a suggested new radio or board made a new mix to this problem. I emailed the support group at Elecraft for an update and along with other replies they sent this official text.
Here is the official statement:
The KX3 was never designed for some of the new narrow-bandwidth digital modes. We always recommend the K3S for those applications. Despite any discussions on the blog-o-sphere, the KX3’s frequency stability for portable use is quite reasonable. Further, the KX3 is specified for operation up to 5 watts for _any_ digital mode as many attempt to run it at up to 15 watts out.
With the release of the 2M option, we also implemented the Temperature Compensation system in the KX3 which added a bit more stability for use with that transverter implementation.
Customer options are:
– Use a K3S for high duty cycle, narrow bandwidth digital modes.
– Run the Temperature Compensation procedure on the KX3 but understand that the KX3’s thermal stability cannot be compared to that of the K3S nor can it be expected.
– Use additional cooling techniques to minimize the temperature shift of the local oscillator. Operators can use the KX3’s metering to monitor the LO temp right from the front panel.
– Elecraft does not recommend replacement of the RF Boards for 2 reasons:
– Cost: At about $700 plus at least 1-2 hours labor, the return on investment is not there.
– Performance Improvement: Will not be significant for a radio designed for portable use.
To date the KX3 has been used on 2.4 and 10Ghz with great success with a 50mhz and 2 metre IF,on SSB and FM. With the addition by the WIA to include the digital modes this side has not been explored and we will have to fall back on the trusted FT817 with its updated colour screen read out (which was published back on the site).
Dateline 3/05/2018 “Meetings on” 8th May Tuesday nite same place 7:00 See U there.
DateLine 27/03/2018 “Hamfest Postponed” ‘Redfest” the Redcliffe amatuer Radio Club Hamfest normally held early April at the campus near Bribie Island road Caboolture. Has been POSTPONED will advise the date as know.
Dateline 21/04/2018 “VI4GAMES” This being a special event call sign for the Commonwealth Games 2018 held @ the Gold Coast. As of yet only VK4NE and MJF have logged a session with them on FT8 after the tragic closing ceremony.
Dateline 20/04/2018 “23 0n 23 “ don’t forget the next 23 on 23 this Monday nite 8pm, see u there.
Dateline 15/03/2018 “Cable Guy’s Arrive” It was 9:30am a nice sunny day and VK4MJF was out in the garden gardening, when two familiar voices yelled “well were here and were is it”, the cyclone came to mind but it had gone, so the thought was a coffee, and from there it was all go. Of course they were here to help repair the new electric tower mod, done a few weeks ago, which finished up with the top pulley failure. So within a hour or two VK4NE and the CRO had the job in hand and a test was conducted with success being the key word, (not to suggest there was a lot chest pounding going on). RF Island is know up on 2m 70cm 1.2 and 2.4GHz with tests being booked in for later in the evening. Well thanks went all around and a quick trip to the local for a Pensioners lunch of all you can eat for $10.00 was on the menu.
Dateline 14/03/2018 “Another miracle”hello out there, all done works perfecto I did it the same way I do all the rotators KR 400 never had an issue with it regards Mic. Not sure what it is but I’m sure we’ll here about the gift soon.(Its odd but I haven’t worked out how you transform a KR400 into a Hi-gain Ham IX, Ham M.
Dateline 12/03/2018 “Meeting Tuesday” Same place, Same time, Same interesting information and show and tells as per the normal. see u there.
Dateline 10/03/2018″To Lube or not Lube” Recently we had a Club event with the Club trailer were we had a seized nut and bolt just nipped up with a small spanner, well a word galling came to the conversation some had never heard this expression before in a search on the internet Eric (VK4NEF) has found this attached summery.
Stainless Steel Galling (cold-welding)
From time to time, we get complaints from customers regarding galling of stainless steel fasteners.
Here is an excerpt from the Industrial Fastener Institute’s Standards Book:
Thread galling seems to be the most prevalent with fasteners made of stainless steel, aluminum, titanium and other alloys which self-generate an oxide surface film for corrosion protection. During fastener tightening, as pressure builds between the contactin and sliding thread surfaces, protective oxides are broken, possibly wiped off and iterface metal high points shear or lock together. This cumulative clogging-shearing-locking action causes increasing adhesion. In the extreme, galling leads to seizing – the actual freezing together of the threads. If tightening is continued, the fastener can be twisted off or its threads ripped out.
During minor galling, the fastener can still be removed, but in severe cases of galling, a strong bond between the bolt and nut can prevent removal of fastners. Unfortunately, little is known on how to control it, but here are two ways to minimize this effect:
Decreasing installation RPM speed will cause less friction and decrease heat generation.
Lubrication used prior to assembly can dramatically reduce or eliminate galling. Recommended lubricants should contain higher amounts of molybdenum disulfide, such as graphite which is very commonly used as a solid lubricant or special anti-galling lubricants sold by chemical companies.
We provide anti-seize compound with all of our antennas and strongly encourage you to use it to reduce the aggravation of galling. Contrary to popular belief, galling of stainless steel is not a symptom of a “cheap” fastener – it is prevalent in all types of stainless steel, aluminum and titanium fasteners. You can be assured that the stainless steel fasteners we provide with our products are manufactured of high quality.
Save yourself a lot of grief and always use a thread lubricant when working with stainless steel fasteners.
Dateline 4/03/2018″ Icom Receiver” IC R8600 has had a new listing in the Sherwood rankings, good to see a receiver up there with the latest SDR transceivers. see details here
Dateline 3/03/2018 ” FT818 its new”FT-818 – 6W HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Portable Transceiver
The new FT-818 incorporates all the many basic and attractive features of the ever-popular FT-817ND while providing upgrades desired by many existing owners. The FT-818 provides 6W of solid output power with an external DC power source. The supplied Ni-MH battery pack (SBR-32MH) has been upgraded to now provide larger battery capacity – 9.6v/ 1900mAh. The recent launch of several new satellites is a certain indicator that the large global community of satellite enthusiast are going to be very delighted to learn that the FT-818 includes a Built-in TCXO-9 oscillator that gives the FT-818 fantastic frequency stability (±0.5ppm). Locally priced at $850.00
Well its” NEW” thats what the advertising suggests, anyway its a shame that the worlds best and well used transceiver is just that and Yaesu believes that doing a few modes makes it a 2018 run out and buy me radio. Well that is all that can be said, most all other brands have decided that a hobby as vast as Ham Radio needs a bit of a wow factor to sell their product with some modern enervation like larger touch screens, SDR friendly , easy to use menus etc. Never mind it seems we are just not the customers and a few more bells and whistles are not the way to sell good radios. (Please read back through this news Blog to see some of the great aftermarket modes made by not Yaesu).
Dateline 25/02/2018″Wyong Report” Our roving reporters were today on their annual pilgrimage south to the Wyong Hamfest, on arrival they reported ,the most noticeable was the trash and treasure (boot sale ); had been place under cover in the main causeway. With the new deluxe tent structure type accommodation for the traders (not much rain had been reported). They also reported reasonable crowds; and were very happy with bargains and treasure they acquired.
Dateline 23/02/2018 “WYONG IS ON THIS WEEKEND” Sunday 25th February 2018 at Wyong Race Course. Gates open at 8:30am. Traders & Flea market setup open from 6:00am. Traders / exhibitors / Seminars access opens at 9:00am. Some of us will be there.
DateLine 23/02/2018″ 23 on 23″ So its the 23rd of the month and at 8.00pm the 23cm band will be abuzz, see you there.
DateLine 21/02/2018 “ITS ON !” Well its on the next Brisbane VHF Group Club Microwave Activity Day on (Sunday 8th April) from a hill or roof top near you, see you there. Keep checking for more detail as they finalise the days events. Already the interest has been well received, some people are going to Islands as well.
Dateline 15/02/2018″Pencil this in” March the 3rd @ CRO’s place for the second attempt of Trailer Wars (Version1.01), Guaranteed fun for all.
Dateline 7/02/2018 “Its Out” Today the first KPA1500 Amplifier left the building for shipment to the lucky owner. Wow 1500 watts and a brunette can carry 2 of them, beats the hell out of the rest were it needs two too legally carry it (15kg).
Dateline 3/02/2018 “1st Day Out” Well we all arrived at the CRO,s place for our first Club trailer shack down. All was set for the morning, even the weather was doing the normal setup drizzle, so the tempers were cooled; so off we went. El commodore gave the morning pray and advise on the preferred settings and all went well, with some needed adjustments and suggestion. After our 1.5 hours of setup, we relocated the Club trailer back in the shed awaiting the next shakedown day. Then we moved on too the luncheon, with a quick 2.4ghz demo provided by MJF, showing a 10 minutes setup time, and thanks to the weather and Ron’s location under the southern aircraft path, rain scatter and aircraft enhancement. There was a lot of story telling etc and we packed up and all made our way to our next destinations. See u on the next day.
Dateline 2/02/2018 “Shack down day” Don’t forget 9.00 am saturday 3rd Feb (tomorrow) Club Trailer Trial, see u there.
Dateline 23/01/2018″Club Event” Pencil in this date(Club event) 3rd of February 2018,around 9.00am local EST(2300hrs) for the Club Trailer Shackdown @ the Cro’s place See u all there. Advise VK4NE if you are not coming, otherwise we,ll expect u there.
Dateline 22/01/2018″23 ON 23″ is on again see u there?
Dateline 18/01/2018 “Club Lucky Door Prize”Its on the second Tuesday of February 13th 2018, this will be our first Club meeting for the year and the club has decided to have a lucky door prize and its the winners pick, SEE U THERE!
Dateline 10/1/2018 “Santa Came to the Club” Look a gift from Santa, might have been a bit late, but it’s in the Club Trailer.
Dateline 5/1/2018″ A Happy New Year’s Result” As the holiday period ends and we are all off to our normal daily tasks, there is some surprising news, the results are in for the Spring VHF-UHF Field day, held late in December 2017. More so as some of our Club members rolled up and gave a few numbers with VK4AMG (George home base) and VK4MJF ( John on RF Island) VK4MIL (Colin (under VK4IF on Howells Knob)) Great stuff boys. I’m sure we all thank them all for their efforts. Click Here for full details.
Dateline 3/12/2017″Xmas Cheers” It was nice to catch up with several of the Club members on saturday evening at the club Xmas do, held at CRO’s QTH. Lots of food and a few drinks whilst telling a few stories. They kicked us out about 10 pm, after last drinks and we all made our way home with renewed vigour.
Dateline 30/11/2017 “FT817’s new dial” After our report on the update to the Yaesu FT817 face lift one of our club members has taken up the challenge and install the mod.
After comparing the two screens, its a no brainer you could spend the money and configure the screen into the system and see what you are trying to do.
Dateline 10/11/2017″ The Parties ON” See u at the Cro’s place on Saturday around 5:30 pm, not sure who’s cooking the culinary delights, etc.
Dateline 24/11/2017″Spring Field day” A good 1/2 dozen or so operators VK4 southern area, have entered this 2017 Spring Field day, with most contacts being local VK4 and VK2 northern NSW. Club members VK4AMG(George) with 4MJF(John) seem to be the club representives with some assistance from some others for scores, including Vk4KSY in Hervey Bay.
Dateline 19/11/2017″DSTAR” Well as this mode is not shared by many, this report is basically a quick run down on one of our local site. Wamuran site (sponsored by Redcliffe Radio Club), Output is 438.675 MHz, input is 431.675MHz (note the -7MHz offset). The gateway is connected to D-STAR reflector REF030C, which has quite a bit of traffic from Europe and North America. It seems to have a combination of home and mobile operators with very SSB varied voices to help recognise the mode. This site will report more on this mode in future news.
Dateline 17/11/2017 ‘IMPORTANT DATE” Club Xmas BBQ will be instead of our December . On the 2nd December 2017; from 5.30 at VK4cro’s QTH @ 286 Boson Road Belmont. Food and soft drinks will be on the menu, BYO if you wish. Please confirm your attendance to VK4NE catering purpose.
Dateline 15/11/2017 “6 (six)Metres has a great start” If you follow the propagation tree on 6 (six) metres; this season seems to be building too a great season. Lots of activity with the digital modes; FT8, USB contacts and follow the beacons are all ago too date. Contacts across the pond and further north. 23 on 23 is also coming up pencil this date in always a fun nite.
15/11/2017″From the Meeting” Club Xmas Party will be at 5:30 pm on the 2nd December 2017 @ the CRO’s place see u there, probably not doing the Spring Field day as the Club trailer will not be ready.
Dateline 13/11/2017″Its on again” See you at the November 2017 meeting on the 14th of this Month, YES Tuesday, Tomorrow nite SEE YOU THERE.
Dateline 12/11/2017″Coffers run ath over” The three amigos road down to the Gold Coast on Saturday to take part in the Gold Coast Ham Fest. It didn’t seem to be a record number of customers, but the takens were excellent for the club, so we can have extra coffee and biscuts at the next meeting, (which by the way is on the 14th November@ the usual events place). Lots of old Hams to see and chat too, tell lies and stories of the years adventures. We left around 1.00pm and made our way back too our respective abodes, looking forward to the next ham fest maybe Wyong NSW.
Dateline 10/11/2017″DX Isles a go” VK9MA and VK9AR, VK9AR/6 are all up and operating on there appointed reeves. Have a read at their site jump on the old dipole etc and give em a number, several modes including digital (FT8). Then get out and plan you own.
Date 2/11/2017 “Winter Field day results “ Please take a look and see how you went in this years Winter field day results for 2017::Check results here.
Dateline 29/10/2017 “See whats on your ft817 screen” Take a look :here
This is a great mod to your FT8-7, really good functions easier to use than the menu.
Dateline28/10/2017 “New Stuff” Elecraft clone from China with lots of extra’s RS-918 HF SDR Transceiver QRP Ham Radio (160-30Mhz). Demo here: let the demo show you about it.
Main Functions:
Spectrum Dynamic Waterfall Display
Multiple Working Modes: Receive Mode, Transmit Mode, TUNE Mode, VFO Mode, SPLIT Mode
DSP Digital Signal Processing Noise Reduction
Automatic Notch Filter
Humanized Interface Color Display
Receive Fine Tuning Function, Changeable MIC Gain Value
VCC Power Supply Voltage Indication Table
Transmit Signal Strength Display Table
Multifunctional Instrument: SWR Standing Wave Ratio Meter, AVD Audio Frequency Meter, ALC Signal Modulation Meter
Frequency Range
TX: 0.5MHz-30MHz
RX: All HAM HF Bands
Operating Mode
TX Power
5W (Standard, DC 13.8V) , 15W (Full,DC 13.8V)
Receiving Sensitivity
0.11~0.89μV(RFC 50-20)
Minimum Frequency Step
Operating Voltage
Antenna Impedance
Frequency Stability
±1.5PPM Power on 5 Minutes (Standard) ; ±0.5PPM if Optional TCXO Used
Maximum Current
Product Dimension (W × H × D)
Transceiver comes with automatic key generator circuit. Can be connected to the use of automatic keys
Dateline 21/10/2017″Re invent ourselves” Well off we go again reinvent ourselves, says the WIA. In its latest find ourselves, workshop to find out how to resolve the age old problem of how get new members and re-spark the hobby. WIA has highlighted the Z-call and foundation calls were introduced, to assist in the lack of interest in the tech savvy youth of today. With the help of a proposed new LCD and other school projects such as SARC (School Amateur Radio Club net), STEM (Science technology Engineering and Maths). With this in mind the WIA consulted widely with members and non-members on the future Licence Condition Determination (LCD). A review and reform of the LCD is now expected to begin soon, to be finalised in 2018. Some of the more traditional communication media such as Facebook, twitter etc, are the ones to target to try to integrate the hobby via and though these other forms. All very interesting reading so take a look. Here.
Also after you have had a read remember the real life of Amateur radio is on the 23 on 23 this month so see you there.
Dateline 8/10/2017 “Who doing their SPring Cleaning” or is it time to start? “Ok then,” what are you doing these loverly spring days?, I’ve just cleaned and rearranged the shack,
Dateline 1/10/2017″Daylite What?,and the Job goes on” Daylite savings has started down south and the Club trail work goes on.
Shiny new winches and pins, no sign of rust.
Dateline 29/09/2017″NEF Picks up Award” At the list Brisbane VHF Group VK4nef was awarded a life membership for his efforts whilst in solved with the Club. Congratulations Eric.
Dateline 27/09/2017 ” Shock Horror, WIA!!! ” Have a read of the next instalment of the new WIA Board. See Here:: Read carefully.
Dateline 26/09/2017 “Heres a Club Record” “” 20,000 Visitors !!!, “” Who would of thought, such a little club with such a big audience, keep the stories coming in.
Dateline 24/09/2017″23 on 23 was off and running” Well this months 23 on 23 was had a great roll up with signal up and down the VK4-VK2 areas. Some aircraft enhancement with a bit of Troppo mixed in.
Dateline 14/09/2017″23 0n 23″ As September 23rd falls on a weekend (next Saturday), it provides the chance for [non-retired] operators to take full advantage of the extra time, and head for the hills to trial their /P station capabilities, investigate new paths and hopefully complete a contact with a new station or two that they wouldn’t normally work from their home station.
It also, and more importantly provides the time and opportunity to activate other uWave bands and reduce the $:QSO for the investment made in our capabilities. 🙂
The recommendation for a 12noon start in July seems appropriate for the September 23-on-23+MAD, so here’s a suggested schedule:
12:00pm (02:00z) – 02:00pm (04:00z) 23cm + 13cm SSB/CW only
1:00pm (03:00z) – 3:00pm (05:00z) 9cm and above uWave bands
For stations in SE VK4 liaison –
147.000 Repeater
40m – 7.150MHz (for those with /P HF capability)
Mobile/cell phone
For all participants –
VKLogger iChat ’23&Above’
As a number of 23cm Plus operators choose not to participate in this forum, please let those who you know may be interested of the event and ask them to also share their plans. [hard to point the dish to someone if you don’t know they’re there!!]
However to allow others to plan their participation, could you please advise your interest, availability and any suggested enhancements to the schedule in this thread?
And once you’ve shared your intended /P location on here, most importantly update your /P profile on VKLogger to ensure that we know where you are!
Scott VK4CZ.
Dateline 13/09/2017″Tropo’s IN” Looks like a great start to the season with Hepburn Charts predicting possible contacts to the North, South and East.
Dateline 10/09/2017″Here we are” Yes we all went to the Wombye Hamfest for the Sunny Coast Radio Club, and yes some quality product has been purchased for the Club/Trailer. A good time was had by all, with lots of stories and Radio mates to catchup with, See u next year.
Dateline 7/09/2017 “Easy to Find Us” Well not sure but if we are out on a field day well be the ones with the brite gear reflecting in the sun. Forget google maps just don the sunnies u’ll find us.
Amazing what a trailer can do, all brite and shiny for its first outing.
Dateline 4/09/2017″IC910 bites the dust”
Icom Inc will be showing a prototype of a new VHF/UHF/1.2GHz transceiver called the IC-9700 at the Tokyo Hamfair, taking place on September 2nd and 3rd.
This radio has been kept under wraps and we don’t know too much about this radio at the moment. What we can surmise is that the IC-9700 will probably be an SDR successor to the popular IC-910H VHF/UHF transceiver.
Also being shown are other forthcoming Icom radio models including:
• IC-7610 SDR HF/50MHz Transceiver (Base Station)
• IC-R8600 SDR Wideband Receiver (Base Station) with updated firmware which is capable of I/Q output
• IC-R30 Communications Receiver (Handheld)
• ID-31PLUS UHF Digital D-STAR Transceiver (Handheld)
As we have mentioned, the IC-9700 is only a prototype version, and we will not be able to confirm final product features, cost and availability. More details will be provided when we have them.
To keep up to date with all Icom news, stay tuned to this website and social media channels or sign up to our Newsletter.
Icom UK Marketing: [email protected]
Dateline 3/09/2017″Looks like Amatuer radio is alive in QLD” most week ends if you glance at the VK Logger you see the evidence. below shows a typical morning.
Dateline 2/09/2017″Icom IC7610″ Another upgrade from Icom, Seen at the Tokyo Ham Fest 2017. See more Here:
Dateline 1/09/2017″Some New Goodies” KX3, bits
Product Description
KX3 Low-rider Radio Stand
This lovely stand has been designed for KX3 owners who don’t have the Elecraft paddle and want a lower stand. The stand makes your Elecraft KX3 the centre of attraction in your shack or in the field. It looks great and works well! It would make an idea gift for a loved one or friend. Note: this is not a customized product.
Uses the legs of the KX3 to hold it firmly in place on the desk-stand – will not slide off
Bottom edge of radio sits about 1.25 inches (3cm) from desk
Lay flat design allows easy storage and transport – just like your KX3
Laser cut out of black gloss perspex
Designed to allow full use of your KX3
Adjustable angle
Non-slip feet (not shown in photos)
Cut-outs front and rear allow cables to pass neatly under the desk-stand
Dateline 31/08/2017″Club to get new amps” According to a source close to the President, “The club is negotiating for new 2-6 metre amplifiers which produce 300-400 watts“, will wait till next club meeting in September for the results.
Dateline 29/08/2017″Towers are on” New towers are on the move,6 plus metres.
Dateline 24/08/2017″Only 3 players” It was a bit light on contestants, 23 on 23 was on last nite and very few operators were available, lets hope the following will front up next month.
Dateline 23/08/2017 “Big Wig on 10 Gig” Today VK4NE tested the club 10Ghz gear with the new GPS locked beacon at Edans Landing approximately 10kms south (Sponsored by Brisbane VHF Group) with great results . Direct from the Big Wig’s words we’re, ” this is fantastic 20 over S9“
Dateline 22/08/2017″ No Eclipes of us “Australia won’t see a total solar eclipse until 2028. IN what has been billed as the greatest event in the sky for more than 100 years large parts of the world will be completely in the dark in the middle of the day tomorrow. While this is the most significant eclipse to pass over America in a century — with some parts of Europe, South America and Africa also witnessing the event — Australia will be completely ripped off and won’t see a thing.
The total eclipse will start at 10am Monday (PDT), in Oregon, and finish in South Carolina at 2.47pm (EDT), 4.47am Tuesday (AEST). A total eclipse was last seen on the US mainland in 1979 but the moon hasn’t thrown this much shade at the US since 1918.
Monash University Associate Professor and Astronomer Michael Brown told a total eclipse happened when the moon completely blocked the sun by casting a shadow on to earth. A total solar eclipse can only be seen from some parts of the world.
Dateline 21/08/2017″Just in” It has been muted that some people have been laying down on the job, urged on by others. Our new trailer has had the total service and rebuild, roll on the next Field day
Dateline 19/08/2017 “A Fine Body of Men” Well first of all; at first glance would you hire these Guy’s to do your job. If your answers NO. Then we as a Club have, as the Club trailer is well on its way for its maiden trail. Looks can deceive never judge a bloke by his cover, I guess.
Dateline 17/08/2017″WIA has another go” Click here: Click here good luck take the new survey and help your Clubs funding.
Dateline 16/08/2017 “Update on Solar Shacks” Well its time to report on the latest Club Solar shacks contest, Three(3) Club members in total VK4NE, CRO & MJF have confirmed they have converted in some way to solar. Ranging from totally powered shack ( radios, computers, lights and amplifiers etc.), too getting there shacks ( radio’s, lights etc.) Some have 24 volt and others 12 volt inverters having storage banks of 4-8 batteries, with 6- 20 panels of around 180 watts average per panel. QRM (interference man made) from some of the cheaper brand inverters, has been reported and a lot of voltage / ampere meters , overload switches and fuses have been purchased ; all to watch the sun. (Taking about the sun, HF has been suffering greatly as the sun reeks havoc on the bands.) If you have been Solar converting your shack and for some reason forgot to report your progress, please contact us , so the contest can be widened.
Dateline 15/08/2017 “More 3.6Ghz Bites the dust”
The WIA has lodged a submission responding to the ACMA’s Options paper on the “Future approach to the 3.6 GHz band”. Want to know more ? | ![]() |
Dateline 14/06/2017″New Digital Mode”The digital mode FT8 although still in Beta testing has caught on, luring many using the popular JT65 weak signal mode. The WSJT-X 1.8.0 beta software has the FT8 mode described as fast with an entire QSO taking about a minute, which is four times faster than JT65.
Developed by Steven K9AN and Joe K1JT – the name FT8 stands for its creators Franke and Taylor and 8-Frequency Shift Keying modulation. Using a 15-second transmit and receive sequences it provides 50 per cent or better decoding probability down to minus-20 dB. Like JT65 it requires accurate time synchronisation.
An auto-sequencing option can also respond automatically to a CQ call decoded reply. An excellent HF DXing mode and multi-hop sporadic-E propagation on 6 metres where deep fading may make fast and reliable QSO completion desirable. Some are comparing FT8 use to that of JT65, and believe more are on air trying the new one. Experimenters have a Facebook page available by clickingthe following Link
Dateline 08/08/2017″Don’t forget the meeting 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Dateline 1/08/2017 “MJF off to see doc.” Back in July 2014 after been well beaten in a BVHF Group shoot out for 2.4Ghz, by Khune LNA’s. One of his projects was to build a 2.4Ghz LNA system for his then portable (deaf spanish) Transverter. The LNA chosen was from mini kits requiring 5volts, with the 2 relays requiring 24 volts and etc. as shown in the 1st picture. As the challage was not to let the smoke out of the LNA , fast forward to July 2017. He took it off to VK4AMG for some doctoren and the end result as shown in picture 2 below thanks to George. Off course its aptly named the Khune Killer and is expected to win the next shoot out which will be some time around October 2017.
Dateline 29/07/2017″Get in have your say” Get in and have your input in the kiting out of the Club trailer, VK4NE’s place, tea and coffee with light refreshments, see u there:
Dateline 25/07/2017 “Its arrived,shes a bueat” We have our new Club vehicle and the rebuild starts.
Dateline 23/07/2017″Great Fun for all” We had a good time didn’t sell much for the Club, but we made some more radio buddies and ate to much food.
Dateline 21/07/2017″Another Hamfest” See u at the Caboolture Radio Club 22/07/2017. See link for info:
Dateline 15/07/2017″Another forgotten event” With borrowed gear, we set up @ the Brisbane VHF Group 10 GHZ SHOOT OUT, although forgetting the 10Ghz dish we were able to finish mid fleet. VK4KJJ offered the use of his dish to allow us to compete in the shoot out.
Dateline 13/07/2017 “Sh——z whats this” Its a bit small but we own it. Clubhouse on wheels.
Dateline 12/07/2017 “Beacons get receiver” The ultimate 3 beacon have released a small mod to convert the beacon to a transceiver , which probably makes this the lowest priced transceiver on the market. see more here:::
Dateline 11/07/2017″Its on again be there” Don’t miss this month’s meeting guest speakers, all the trappins. see you there.
Dateline 8/07/2017″WIA Directors Shakes up the place” It seems the new board at the WIA is getting to work and making some small be needed changes, with sub committee’s to report at the July meeting. Need to see more:
Dateline 23/06/2017″BIG WEEKEND” Booked as one of the biggest week end on the June radio calendar 23-23 on Friday 23rd with the Winter Field day 24th-25th Saturday and Sunday. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Dateline 21/06/2017″BIG WEEKEND”Booked as one of the biggest week end on the June radio calendar 23-23 on Friday 23rd with the Winter Field day 24th-25th Saturday and Sunday. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Dateline 18/06/2017″Field Day Ads” Have a look here, Elecraft have had a go at selling product under the name of Field day. Worth a look, does outline a few good points on the past time. See here::
Dateline 12/06/2017 “Clubs Dying?” It was reported o the WIA news this week,that our club City of Brisbane Radio Society, was one of the last Brisbane based groups; still operating, thats according to one Geof Emery VK4ZPP.
Dateline 24/05/2017″23 on 23″ Good roll up VK4 CZ UH ALF EMS LHD/p KAY VDX ZL KX/p AMG MIL MJF ADM AND VK2MAX (all were heard by author ), others also making use of the vk logger for the event where VK2FLR MRX ZIW (Sydney siders) for some, great roll up; tell your mates, see u all next month
Dateline 23/05/2017 “Meeting wednesday 24th” Brisbane VHF Group, See you there
Dateline 10/05/2017 “Flying to the Moon” Well nearly, a small “Drone called Elfie”; iPhone 6 in size takes selfies and all other pictures movies and stills, to help in the quest for that picture that wins hearts or the Walkley award. Elfie is drone that hovers still, lt uses your mobile phone as a controller to fly, take both pictures and movies. Very easy to fly, has a battery life of about ten(10) minutes. Useful in our amateur radio hobby, it is a great tool for checking the tower and antennas for problems etc. Just fifty($50.00) dollars and a peace of mind, before you risk life and limb.
Dateline 9/05/2017″Being There” Tonites the nite for a meeting see u there at the college.
Dateline 29/04/2017 “MSHV” No its not the latest naval ship to grace the Australian navy, its the latest digital software for meter scatter, too date it seems as if it out performs all the past FSK WSJT/65 formats. LZ2HV has developed this new format, with most computer formats accommodated. Give it a go used on all higher bands 6metres up, mostly on week ends with some activity during the week, usually liaised with the VK Logger.
Anyway see u there and here is a link to the download.
Dateline 28/04/2017 ” Trail Exams on Line” Fore fill your dreams to be on Amatuer Radio Operator see here ::::
Good Day
“We have been working toward on line exams for some time and have come up with a trial exam system as a “proof of concept”. At the moment two trail Standard theory exams have been created. There will be a couple of Advanced theory exams put on line as soon as time allows.
The exams are located on the Assessor Information System web site To get access, you must first register by going to the web site.
Click on the Amateur Radio tab.
Click on “For Amateur Radio Standard Theory Trial Exams”.
Click on “Request Access”.
Complete the form and and Click on “Submit”.
You will receive a confirmation email.
You will receive another email when you registration has been approved. This email will contain a user name and password to allow exam access. When this email arrives go to the web site Amateur Radio tab and enter the user name and password to log on.
The exams request first name, email and BEMS id, this is for additional security and is not activated, but you do need to put something in these fields for the trial.
You will need the latest flash player to view the trial exams.
If you have any candidates coming up for a Standard Theory exam they are welcome to to request a login for access to a practice exams.
Thanks to VK3DAC/VK4FE
Dateline 23/4/2017 “POWER PLUS” Elecraft has done it.
Our new KPA1500 solid-state amplifier won’t take over your entire desktop: it’s just 4.5 x 13.5 x 11.5” (HWD; 11.5 x 34 x 29 cm). The lightweight companion power supply can be placed on the floor or in any other convenient location.
The KPA1500 was designed with the serious operator in mind. Its no-nonsense front panel shows all important parameters at a glance, with a high-contrast 32-character LCD and fast, bright LED bar graphs. Band switching is instantaneous, via control inputs or RF sensing. Protection and monitoring circuitry is extensive and foolproof, letting you focus on the job at hand — breaking pileups and overcoming the most difficult operating conditions. And it wouldn’t be an Elecraft amp without robust PIN-diode T/R switching. Like our KPA500, the KPA1500 offers fast QSK without a noisy relay.
The amplifier’s rugged internal ATU can handle full power with load SWR up to 3:1, while a wider matching range is allowed at lower power, including up to 10:1 in standby mode.
When it’s time to make waves, you can rely on the compact, quiet, highly integrated Elecraft KPA1500.
Note: We will not be accepting orders for the KPA1500 until we receive final FCC certification.*
KPA1500 Features:
Very compact design
Fast, silent PIN diode T/R switching
Built-in Antenna Tuner with dual antenna jacks
Compatible with nearly any transceiver
160-6 meters
Introductory price: $5,995.
Dateline 22/04/2016 “Club Future on track” RedFEST was a success for the club confers, some people donated goods for sale and with our current stock of treasures we seemed to top last years sales. Thanks to all that helped and contributed.
Dateline 13/4/2017″ Italian wishes” See below:
Giorgio (George)
SWL IV3-57306 in Italy
Dateline 10/4/2017″Management roled @ AGM” The club AGM has seen a retirement of the last years committee members and a roll up of a new team. more to follow:
Dateline 10/04/2017 “Red what?” Red Fest the Redcliffe Amatuer Radio Club is running there next hamfest on the 22/04/2017 just after the Easter week break. Check here: The Club has a table to raise funds etc. See U there.
Dateline 11/3/2017 “A Story to tell” IC910 a Icom ledgend, a dual receive transceiver suppling 100 watts vhf /75 watts uhf with an optional 10 watts 1296 Mhz/shf . This radio lends itself to be an excellent field day and multi usage in the shack, very versatile has its up and down sides but all in all worth owning. Then all of a sudden it all goes out the window, low power on one band or another “ah sugar what to do”. Read all the info on the Internet, blogs user groups etc, with a result of the pockets seemingly to be emptying with every sentence. Well maybe all is not so !.
It all finishes, with a round trip to Wyong NSW 2017 (about 1800 klms) VK4AR, NE and MJF talking the usual radio stuff, then the subject of the IC910 hit the stage. Following is one cure to the above problem: Achieve 13.8 volts seems to be the magic voltage and 22 or + amperes. VK4MV (Alister) had also hinted to its small problem with power, many month previous. So VK4NE, and MJF; set out on the task to prove the solution, first lets see, power the radio with tune 144.155 mhz ssb/FM add a dummy load (not MJF), result :13.8 volts/30 watts , next 14.5 volts/33 watts and if you keep adding to the voltage/watts increase, (the icom manual suggests 14-15 volts is ok?). First we changed the power lead with no fuses, :result 13.8 volts/24amps Sh:: amazing (MJF nearly fell off is chair), after steadying ourselves we change to another set of leads, this time with 2 fuses as supplied by Icom in the box as new : result 13.8volts/22 amps. Ok,now back to the original power cord, clean and squeeze fuse connectors, also the plug to the radio, result :13.8 volts/20 amps. We then removed 1 fuse cleaned the other with sand paper took away the power poles and added a direct link to the power supply, :result 13.8volts/24 amps (MJF’s jaw dropped), @14.5 volts/26watts. Total gain on our metre with 13.8 volts: 80-90 watts SSB: 100 watts FM, total outlay a hour or so, some solder, and a lunch at the Beachmere Tavern. All figures were taken as read, before our luncheon. Hope this helps others with this small problem.
Dateline 5/2/2016″Club gets new email”As of today our club has a new email address. Please note and it will be monitored. Club email [email protected]
Dateline 4/2/2017 “Don’t be Shocked” We are updating our data base of our club members, so look forward to the new subs in the email. Please remit them to the nominated account. Thanks from your club executives
Dateline 29/2/2017 “Whats in a Crowd” Or maybe it should read who’s in the crowd. We all took to the road last weekend for the annual pilgrimage to Wyong NSW(Field day)
There were lots to be seen and seminars to visit, people to meet and lots of other interesting thing to do and see. We didn’t see you there, maybe next year ?
Dateline 22/2/2017″Wyong Field day” Here is the site to see whats on. Go and see. Click: Take a look. Maybe we’ll see you there.
Dateline 22/2/2017 “Its 23 on 23 ” will go to 2.4Ghz & up 23rd February 2017. See you there.
Dateline 20/02/2017″Club email address” After several months of issues with the club email address, being ([email protected]). Seems we have it running as per spects, send us a email to confirm your ok with it.
Dateline 20/2/2017 “When is it” Look up the next VHF-UHF Field day dates and times
here : Field day link.
All you need to know.
Dateline 23/1/2017 “WIA Board explains” Well we are back from the festive season and we’re sure there is lots to cover in coming 2017 season. In the first news at the start of 2017, is the WIA’s fact sheet site, : click here : , to help clear up some issues that seem to dog the hobby administration.
Dateline 19/1/2017 :seems like a lively 2017 coming up” Some WIA members have noted accusations and criticisms on social media and elsewhere, and asked that the WIA Board make detailed responses to these issues. The Board has decided to produce this series of Fact Sheets to address the various issues raised.
Dateline 8/1/2017″No Changes” The latest Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan – ARSP 2017 – was published on the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s (ACMA) website on 3 January 2017. It was registered by the ACMA on 20 December 2016 and came into effect the next day, with a commencement date of 1 January 2017. Click here: the read more.
Dateline 1/1/2017 “Happy New Year” To all our supporters and members, we are looking forward to the next twelve exciting month with all club activities and events. Best wishes form the Club Executive.
Dateline 28/12/2016 “You are supposed to have a copy” WIA has printed a new 2017 Call books now available. Contact Ron VK4CRO to assist making an order for the books, and a profit for our club.
see here:
Dateline 7/12/2016 “Whats in a battery” For weeks know a few club members have been working hard to leave the power grid, or part there of. Solar panels, solar regulators, inverters and of cause batteries. Some have reconfigured their hole house to imitate a modern caravan power system, (12 volt lighting and appliances, LPG gas cooking and 240 volt inverted lighting and some white goods. Others are turning their Shack to run on either the 12/24 volts also inverted 240 volts, for lighting , computers low powered amplifiers etc. So far the success rate is 99.9 percent.
Dateline 4/12/2016 “Club bangers for Xmas” Thanks to all the members and friends how came and made our club xmas party the success it was, thanks again and all the we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Xmas and a happy New Year. From the executive staff.
Dateline 2/12/2016 ” 4 directors rolled WIA” Please read below :Date : 01 / 12 / 2016
Author : Jim Linton – VK3PC
Under clause 8.3 (b) of the Constitution of the Wireless Institute of Australia a call was made on Tuesday November 29 for a General Meeting of WIA members.
A letter received had four motions, calling for four Directors of the WIA to be “removed immediately as a director of the WIA.”
The four directors are:
– Phil Wait
– Fred Swainston
– Roger Harrison
– Robert Broomhead
The letter called for a General Meeting on the 9th of December. This date would be not possible; however, it does not make the call invalid.
The call document itself was short of the required 100 signatures, and about a quarter were incomplete. However, identical signed letters were found, including one received on Wednesday November 30, meaning that under clause 8.3 (b) of the Constitution, the call for a General Meeting became valid.
The WIA Board of Directors has begun the process of arranging for a General Meeting.
An estimated cost of at least $10,000 would be incurred by printing the notices, mail house enveloping, distributing them by Australia Post to all members, the venue charge and any other expenses.
WIA members can expect notification details by Australia Post, and anticipate the General Meeting is to be held in late January 2017.
– Jim Linton, WIA Secretary
Dateline 1/12/2016″ IKW Drama still goes on” Seems the WIA is still working with ACMA on the I kilowatt saga. See below ,
The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) is keeping alive its advocacy that Advanced Licensees be allowed to use up to 1kW power. The WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee has put to the ACMA the issue of high power beyond the present limit of 400 watts peak, in its “log of claims” after the now-infamous high power trial in 2013.
Many radio amateurs ask why is it that we just can’t have it, like in so many other countries – New Zealand, America, Canada, Japan and so on? Spectrum Strategy Committee spokesman Roger Harrison VK2ZRH says the central issue comes down to that of compliance with electromagnetic radiation standards in Australia. The ACMA uses the term “electromagnetic emissions” – abbreviated EME – but the acronym EMR (for electromagnetic radiation) is also widely used for the same thing. Australia is unique in the world when it comes to radiocommunications regulation, embodied in licence conditions, and compliance with electromagnetic radiation standards. Here, the two things are linked – but nowhere else in the world.
In Australia, our radiocommunications regulator – the ACMA – has the responsibility to ensure compliance, and every licensee (not just radio amateurs) is required to comply. The ACMA has a responsibility to the public, to ensure that electromagnetic emissions from all radio transmitting systems do not present a harmful situation. In fulfilling that responsibility, the ACMA needs to know where possibly harmful transmitter systems are located and that such locations are recorded on a licence. With that understanding, the Spectrum Strategy Committee is working with the ACMA to develop suitable procedures under which radio amateurs interested in running high power can make an application that meets the ACMA’s technical and regulatory requirements.
Dateline 21/11/2016 “Hows goin solar ?” The usual suspects are at it again, this time its solarising their shacks to start with. Well after a visit to KSY, AMG to mention a few we have decided to go for it suggested MJF. CRO and NE will be working to go that way too. MJF has turned his new shack and house to mimmic a caravan, with solar to batteries, LPG gas system for cooking and a twelve volt lighting system of LEDS, too inverted power to special power points and 240 volt LED lights as well. The idea is to get off the grid were possible, sell the power back, for those with to the grid systems and save the pocket, not the planet (if this does well great !).
Dateline 23/10/2016 “Who said daylight saving is a waste of time” Some would say it fades the curtains , cows and chooks body clocks are out, the produce suffers and the economy slides backwards. Ask a Hams and their answer is its Tropo time ! Already the skies are full of ducting to ride north to south , east to west. So don’t delay the urge to jump in.
Dateline 10/10/2016 “Here’s a new Slant” Have a read here: Maybe your radio etc is listed here? or not.
Dateline 25/09/2016 “Standards to go magic band” In January 2017 we should see the below ago: Lots for Foundation and Advanced as well.
Review of the Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan
Date : 24 / 09 / 2016
“Roger Harrison – VK2ZRH”
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has opened consultation on its proposed update of the Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan. The ACMA announced it on its website on 22 September 2016.
The Authority has issued a discussion paper and related documents, referring directly to possible changes, and invites submissions before 24 October 2016. The Spectrum Plan includes a table of frequency allocations from 8.3 kHz through to 420 terahertz (THz) that divides up the spectrum to show the general purpose of each band, to which services they are allocated, and associated footnotes relevant to particular allocations. It was last reviewed in 2013.
The Spectrum Plan reflects Australia’s treaty obligations following the International Telecommunications Union’s World Radiocommunications Conference in late 2015. The ACMA acknowledges that Australia was a signatory to the decisions of that ITU conference, was working with those affected domestically, but due to various factors, all foreshadowed changes may not occur by the end of 2016.
Also expected to be reflected in the remake is the Federal Government’s proposed new legislation that removes prescriptive process to replace these with a simpler, more flexible licensing system.
The updated Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan is expected to begin on 1 January 2017. Once the Spectrum Plan is amended subordinate legislation, such as licence conditions, will also be amended subsequently, as necessary. Any individual or group with an interest in radiofrequency spectrum allocations and use can make a submission.
As the peak representative body for the Australian radio amateur community, the WIA is preparing a submission. See the ACMA’s announcement on its website, via this Link
Dateline 20/09/2016 “How deaf are icom owners” I (VK4MJF) have had the pleasure of speaking to some of the new IC7300 owners, and you might say the comment made by all is the fact that they hear more !!!!!! . Well I then asked the brand it replaced, too my amazement the answer was in all cases Icom something. Hello how long has the K3 or the KX3 been on the shelf to buy ?????. The other odd thing that seemed to happen, was their normal heard voice had changed. (I’m sure its not my new location)
Anyway lets know your verdict and sent me a story.
Dateline 10/09/2016 “Wombye a queit hamfest” We arrived just after 7.00 am set up the table and did the first walk around for goodies and looked for bargins etc.
Dateline 6/09/2016 “Seems the boss is active” VK4NE has reported a chest pounding result on WSPR HF. For those not formulaic with the mode its 200 ml watts to the USA.
2016-09-04 08:00 VK4NE 10.140201 -23 0 QG62nj +23 0.200 K4COD EM73sc 14524 9025
2016-09-04 21:20 VK4NE 10.140206 -24 -1 QG62nj +23 0.200 EA8BVP IL28fd 18900 11744
If and when you make contact with mick , just mention it. Make fell happy.
Dateline 24/08/2016″See shack updates” Or click on menu.
Dateline 22/08/2016″Winter FD” Below is a list of the results of the 38 call signs used in the winter field day 2016, hope this is a help.
Dateline 16/08/2016 “The CRO crows” Some who in the annals of June 2016 suggested; Ron VK4CRO has been blessed with EME contact, see below:
Great Ronnie Grid square KO29IF ( Vincenty Distance: 14564.861 km)
Dateline 15/08/2016 “Public callsign list restored”
Prospective radio amateurs and those looking at their callsign choices are now able to do that online at the “Public List Of Available Callsigns” on the WIA website.
This follows the resolution of further teething problems with the ACMA’s new SPECTRA system.
Dateline 14/08/2016″Results are in” Re 2016 Winter Field Day Results are finally in.
A suitable logging program is VK Contest Log, developed by Mike VK3AVV. It is available for download on the author’s web site by clicking on this:
Dateline 12/08/2016 “RD is on” Amateur Radio “Remembrance Day Contest”
The Amateur Radio “Remembrance Day Contest” for 2016. Contest is on 13th & 14th August 2016 0300z to 0300z
This contest commemorates the Amateurs who died during World War II and is designed to encourage friendly participation and help improve the operating skills of participants. It is held on the weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on which hostilities ceased in the southwest Pacific area.
It is preceded by a short opening address by a Guest Speaker transmitted on various WIA frequencies during the few minutes prior to the contest. During this ceremony, a roll call of amateurs who paid the supreme sacrifice during WWII is read.
for more info see here:
Dateline 29/07/2016″VK2ZCV ILL” One of the clubs 2 metre buddies has suffered a life threating illness. As reported by Gordon VK2GFC.
“Hello guys,
Just to let those that know Bill Sinclair VK2ZCV, that he has suffered a stroke and will be going into care after he gets out of hospital.
He is no longer able to be at home.
Bill’s QTH is Port Macquarie.”
Dateline 26/07/2016 “Anybody Going”
JARL Ham Fair 2016 will be held at Tokyo Big Sight, Ariake, Tokyo
on August 20th (Saturday) and 21st (Sunday).
Last year, they had about 36,000 participants for two days.
SP Station 8J1HAM will be on all bands.
At 0400-0435z (1300 JSST) on Saturday 20th it will come up on 21.205 for the ANZA net list taken days prior.