WE ARE ENTERING IN THE SPRING VHF/UHF Field day CONTEST 2017, Frequencys required 6M-2M-70CM-1296mhz- 2.4/3.4/5.8GHz & 10GHz . A hill is not found as yet but there are a few in the mix.
There are the normal three Field days to come Winter/Spring /Summer with dates to be advised. (pencil these in).
Winter Field Day………..Winter 2023… Venue TBA
Spring Field Day ……… Spring 2023… Venue TBA
Summer Field Day…….Summer 2023… Venue TBA
Past site @ Mt Cotton Nursery Qld Thks to VK4WRC
current rules are to be updated from the Grid square system to distance (klms) between contacts, are still not changed.
Pleases contanct either :
VK4MJF(John) phone 0491107769
VK4GC (Craig) Phone
VK4NEF (Eric) Phone 0733905664/HF
for more information or just to join in on the event.