Oh what a site

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Date 24/03/2013″New Site checked out, gets the green light”.Hello every one this is the site were we went out to this morning,  MJF=CRO=NE + Support from GC this is only for our self .  I think it is  super , specially  with the facility and it is only 130 Km from my qth and the 1296 Beacon was clear  yet no signal,   but it is ok also the contact with VK4GC was a good report I think  to us  S9 and we were  over 9 with full power, despite a bit of miss match  in antenna  4 element hand held  yagi of mjf  it went ok. Even with QRP 5 Watts

Mick left his mark here so it could be sniffed out

Mick left his mark here so it could be sniffed out

Image 12 Image 11 Image 10

Looking southish

Looking southish

S 7 to GC not bad  we  were very impressed  with the spot  and I think it is for us for KEEPS.

Remember this is about 600 metres high, the trees growth is sparse, the climb is possible with 2 wheel drive.

It could be cold in winter, but I m sure a fire would be okay, and there is some shops for supplies about 10 klms down the hill.

 NEWS Club:Meetings. Carindale Library 7-00pm  2nd Tuesday of Month, Next Meeting 8th April AGM 2025 . Also Every Tuesday 7.00pm with ZOOM.
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