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“CBRS” has done it again with the IC9700 Ref Gen as seen at the WIA event in Bundaberg 4/5th May 2024. EASY IC9700 INJECTION LOCKING Comments, on various forums, about problems of setting up other IC9700 injection locking solutions, another accessory has been added to our IC9700 range.          







The RefGen-9700 module provides injection lock of an IC9700 to an external 10MHz reference generator such as our GPSD-2. In addition to providing injection locking of the 49.152 MHz TCXO, the RefGen-9700 provides 10MHz to the IC9700’s Ref-In. Thus, the automatic synchronisation function is maintained to tune the radio within injection lock range. No complicated programming of the module or radio is required. A stable local beacon is not required to setup and confirm stable operation. The module is powered from the radio, secured with existing screw locations, and uses the radio’s Ref-In connector and existing entry for 10MHz external reference.

Interested, like to know more : See Below

20240328_RefGen IC9700 info-sheet

20240418_RefGen-ic9700 what-makes-it different-vk4amg








 NEWS Club:Meetings. Carindale Library 7-00pm  2nd Tuesday of Month, Next Meeting 8th April AGM 2025 . Also Every Tuesday 7.00pm with ZOOM.
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