“All the Teams wishes everyone the best for the Season and a Happy New Year 2025.”
Coral Coast Net has been around for 50+ Years (2023 heralded 56 years) and its not slowing down. It first went to air with the idea of having an east coast Ham Radio Net. With this in mind, Les Bell VK4LZ (SK) on 28th September 1967 started this very popular morning net. ( Every morning on 7.060MHz ) Click here> Now 7.093MHz .
Starting around 6.00am EST with the Early Bird Net, for those who have work or other commitments, followed by 7.00am EST the main Morning Net, maybe early depending on the seasonal calendar/Daylite saving time (VK4’s @ 6:45 am EST. are still having trouble with cows and the fading curtains).
We had to change to another position on the 40 metre band, in more recent times, due to the digital spectrum and other issues, finally settling on 7.093MHz (which alines us with the Kandos group later in the afternoon).
Today’s Net Controller Operator’s are stations, VK2FIVE, VK2GHM, VK4PDX, VK4SRC, and VK4KET with net co ordination (relay stations) VK4GSF/ VK4SRC/ VK2QM, and many others (or southern help from VK3 , VK5, VK7 and yes ZL) as the band conditions vary with sunspot activity etc.
Current Net Controllers.
Eilene(VK2FIVE) and Steve(VK4SRC) Caboolture, Most days on the early bird net, with further assistance from stations listed below
Current Later Net Controllers.
Steve (VK4SRC)Monday and Thursday ‘s.Date started 6/5/2023.
With Harry(VK2GHM), George(VK4GSF) on Wednesdays Net. Date started 13/7/2022
With Colin(VK4PDX), Harry(VK2GHM) on Fridays Net.. Both date started 15/7/2022 .
Also Doug (VK4KET) Week Ends.
Maybe in the future we hope to find some more stations to help, to keep the Coral Coast Net alive which started 22/4/1967 ..55 years strong.
Al (VK4HDZ) has been Net Controller from 2012 and has recently suffered a setback of recent times and the duties have fallen on several other’s We are all hoping Al has a quick recovery and is back on duty soon). VK4HDZ ( AL ) (Alpha Lima)) took on the our Net as a foundation call using 10 watts (now 100 watts with a Standard upgrade), and with the help of many other foundation calls(Bill VK4FWIM) for one, as well as others have been very successful in maintaining the 7 days a week popular Net.

We must thank all thoughts Stations which have Controlled our Net over the past 55+ years some being VK4BQ (Gordon)SK, VK4AGZ (Gordon)SK, VK4MIT(Peter)SK, VK3AHR (Ron)and many others(please email me with the details) , ( and a special thanks to the Early Bird Net Controllers (trying to beat the sandman for contacts.))
The Early Birder’s on 7093 2024/25.
Your Current Net controllers VK2FIVE and VK4SRC.
We are thinking of you all around this time,”Please send you photos to Eilene VK2FIVE
In 2009 a Rouges list was compiled by VK4KET Doug. This list gave a face to a call sign known as the” Rogues Gallery“, with a more updated version to be posted on its completion in 2021/2022. Doug(VK4KET) has asked all our net members to send him a new photo(MugShot) so to upgrade the 2023/2024 ROUGES Galley.TOO((( [email protected] )))
Please be patient with us all, as the current sunspot activity makes our job difficult, we have seen recently helpers, VK2AKA(SK), QM, GHM – VK4-KET, KO, FIBK, AAU(SK) and the list goes on, to name a few.
Many of todays technologies(SDR on the computer sites)has helped to assist as well, as many have devoted time and effort to act as NET relays.
Also it is advised that 2021/2022/23 Rouges Gallery needs to be published with the request from VK4KET for photo’s please send to Dougs email address().
Here is a site which might explain our poor reception conditions.