Club Projects

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2 metre amps -1296mhz featured amp (VK4NE)

Towers and Antennas

From time to time the club has a selected project either for all club members or for those who have a small or large project only taken up by a couple of members but listed here for interest to others.

Amplifiers : Hf-vhf uhf- Microwave 1296mhz 70cm 144mhz 2403 mhz

Antennas : Yagis -Dipoles -loops (delta magnetic etc.) and many others

Kit construction : Pre amps- amps- digital TNC –  K3- KX3- KPA500- Mini kit transvertors Ultimate3/3 and many other kits.

General construction :   Transverters- couplers-baluns, low power HF transceivers etc.

Assistance : shack set up-erection of towers and antennas, up dating software and help with  licence up grading. 

Bit and Peices : one thing we all need is help with coax and there affiliated connectors and many other bits etc.

Solar for the shack: In 2016 the club set out to go solar in as many clb members shacks as possible, 5 have been successful.

 NEWS Club:Meetings. Carindale Library 7-00pm  2nd Tuesday of Month, Next Meeting 8th April AGM 2025 . Also Every Tuesday 7.00pm with ZOOM.
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