Well it appears, the AGM went well and all positions were filled. Congratulations to all office bearers and the new year is in front of us all. And it goes without saying to thank all out going office bearers, for the past 12 months hard work.
Blog Archives
8th March 2016 we be the next Club AGM see you all there with your hands up for the top jobs.
Summer Field Day 2016 result are here:http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/documents/Summer2016PreliminaryResults.pdf
CRO is calling for inerest in the 3.4 Ghz transverters on offer from Melbourne, need numbers to assist all costs. Please advise CRO for further interest. (See under Club Projects for details on the new Project), as all other projects are finished and running.
Caboolture radio club had it’s Ham Fest today. We had a troop there but they reported average takings and low attendances.