Its still going the LCD is been resubmitted, all will be announced in the very near future. Would like to see more, click here :
Blog Archives
CMA licensing shut-down announced
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has announced that it will suspend all apparatus licence processing from Friday August 14 to Tuesday September 1, to replace its licensing and frequency processing system. The ACMA in announcing this two week closure, acknowledges the need to bring a more efficient process to Apparatus licences, which are widely used, including by the Amateur Service.
Announced on the WIA website here: … /index.php
Announced on the ACMA website here: … ugust-2015
Three club members working hard for the club. Take a well earned rest, at the Caboolture radio ham fest last saturday. VK4 NE CRO and NEF, were court taking a break at the club refreshment area, (snap by caboolture club member)
Sorry to all that couldn’t enter the club site, we had an update to the software to fix.
It has been report by many of our members that the program Air Scout has been helping to making more contacts on 2 metres and higher bands. Boasting longer and precise contacts with easy to program a schedule of contacts in the early morning weak signal arena, covering eastern states during the week, and more use for the digital signals during the weekend.