“Road to ATV” Some may say an IC905 is an expensive investment to play in our hobby, Microwave with an added bonus  ATV, well thats another topic, not covered here.

Our road to ATV is another matter, for a couple of hundred dollars this can be achieved by small home projects :see here (mini-kits), these projects are very low priced and require so really easy construction.

There are other people or groups which make and show world wide, being VK3RTV. This group has plenty of suggestions and hints on their web site, Utube and facebook.

Which sends us to the BATC Group in the UK also helpful and lots of hint and help to offer. Also there are several DATV sites in the USA/Europe. This year VK3RTV held a world wide DATV  QSO Party incorperating Europe ,USA and of course Australia, nation wide. What a show don,t miss the next one.

Lets start with the lowest price transition Mini Kits,

you can start as low as $200-300 dollars and some fast build skills and your away. More to follow.

1.2 2.4 GHZ bands

As mentioned in our Club November 2024 meeting another way to adopt ATV /DATV is via a software program (FREE) See Here: SDR Angel

To be frank this SDR Angel program, has so many other very interesting modes that can utilize a SDR Dongle about $30.00, you be mad not to try it. Below was achieved with a SDR Dongle and a Hack RF.


This above setup was sent to the IC905 with little effort (just hit TX) on 1296 MHz as the SDR dongle is only capable to 1300 MHz. It’s also worth noting the RX back via the dongle was very clear.

Peter VK4APV and VK4MJF have worked ATV on several occasions about (60KLms) on M A D/23 on 23/UHF/VHF field day (microwave Activitie Day.)

Also there are many articles written on this subject, sum listed below.

1. ATV Hosted by Tom O’Hara W6ORG

2.ATV Starting  Hosted by VK3JEB


 NEWS Club:Meetings. Carindale Library 7-00pm  2nd Tuesday of Month, Next Meeting 8th April AGM 2025 . Also Every Tuesday 7.00pm with ZOOM.
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