Club Microwave

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Our Club moved into the microwave bands to enhance our VHF/UHF Field day scores. As a result two(2) metres through to 10GHz has been achieved. 

Some of the upgrades we’re required such as 1296cm and 10GHz were a purchase from a local Club/person. 2.4 and 5.8 GHz were built and commissioned by several Club members. 

2.4 GHz is a mini kits transverter/local oscillator producing around 30 watts from an 2.4GHz recycled commercial amplifier, costing about $650.00 and is powered by 240 volts, with a gridpak. 

5.8GHz is constructed from a set of W1GHZ boards, DigiLO PLL oscillator a 5.8GHz booster amplifierproducing around 2/4 watts also with a gridpak. This item cost about $450.00 and works very well on 12 volts.

We have been experimenting with a ADF4351 signal generator, for the 2.4GHz local oscillator for quicker more stable contacts (was found to drift a bit while in warmup mode, with the mini kits LO). Worked well later in the day. 

One of the local Microwave Clubs Brisbane VHF Group has been very helpful in our Microwave endeavours.

Nice set up with the 10MHz reference below.

 NEWS:"WIA Hamfeast" VK4AMG has done it again with his IC9700 Ref Gen will be at the WIA AGM event in Bundaberg 4/5th May 2024. See you there, its a must have if you own an IC9700.             Club:Meetings. MtGravatt TAFE 7-00pm  2nd Tuesday of Month, Next Meeting will be May 14th  2024. 2, 6 ON air70cm repeaters OffAIR Every Tuesday 7.00pm with ZOOM.
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